Happy Girls!

Happy Girls!
April 2019

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Week 33, Baby #2

Over the next four weeks the baby will put on another half-pound per week. This rapid weight gain will slow by next month.  Her skeleton is also hardening although the bones in her skull will not fuse together completely, but will overlap allowing for continued growth all the way up until early adulthood.  She is currently about 17 inches, the length of a pineapple weighing in around 4.25lbs.  I feel like she is much bigger than that, but who knows!
This month my body will still gain about a pound a week. I have found that it is getting harder to get comfortable or sleep and I am feeling way more tired this month than the previous.  My fingers have started to tingle here & there which can be due to the extra fluid my body is retaining. 

I’m still feeling lots of pain in the pelvic area.  I am also getting crazy movement from baby girl throughout the day.  It feels like she wants to come out through my belly button most of the time!  I have an appointment tomorrow with the doctor to see if my diabetes pills have been working…news flash, they aren’t!  My numbers continue to be controlled throughout the day with diet, but my overnight fasting number and my number taken 2 hours after breakfast continue to stay high.  Insulin shots here I come!  I am just completely over being pregnant at this point and all that surrounds it!  There are exactly 44 days until my c-section…seems soo close yet so far away!  Here’s another pic taken by little Addison!

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