Happy Girls!

Happy Girls!
April 2019

Thursday, October 22, 2015

4 Year Well Appointment

Our little munchkin did great at her 4 year old well appointment.  They measured her height, weight, blood pressure then did and eye & ear exam.
Her weight was 35.25 lbs (25%)
Her height was 40.5 cm (70%)
Dr. Sarah said she looked healthy and had no concerns about her.
We did talk about her bowel movements and how she still asked for a diaper.  Not even a week later, Addison switched to just using the potty.  It really was an exciting week!!!  About a month later, our house was diaper free.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Addy's Birthday Party

Addy had a wonderful birthday party at My Gym.  Lots of friends showed up and they all played and acted crazy together!  The party was only an hour & a half, but I was so tired after it!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

October 2015

My baby is officially 4 years old.  I still remember most details leading up to her birth, but it seems like a lifetime ago.  She looks older to me and certainly acts it.  She doesn't want to be referred to as little, young, small, etc.  She's a big girl now.  I got out of work early the day of her birthday and took her for a mother/daughter mani & pedi.  Later than night we had family over for dinner, cake & presents.  Justin's mom had driven the whole day to surprise Addy on her birthday.  It was so fun to see how excited this little girl got!
A few pictures of the birthday girl on her birthday:

Addison seems to have gone through a growth spurt in the past few months.  She is long and lean.  While her body has grown, I don’t know that her feet have grown in forever!  She’s wearing 5T clothes and size 9 shoes.  She still has the tiniest feet!  She still fits into a lot of her 4T clothes, but some are a little too tight!
Drawing & coloring with markers
Writing her name
Reading books to her stuffed animals
Getting her hair done some mornings.  She wants to wear her hair down, but I won’t let her!
Scary Halloween decorations (which are out in full force right now!)
She loves the normal kid favorites, pizza rolls, tacos, mac & cheese, mini hot dogs in rolls.  She will eat chicken with lots of BBQ sauce, enjoys apple sauce and still requests fruit.
She loves to snack and have treats, what child doesn’t!  She has a new found love for Kit-Kats and wants one every time we are at Target or the grocery store.
She has been doing well.  Addy sleeps longer stretches at a time in her own bed.  Bedtime is sometimes a long process because she likes to drag everything out, but other than that, she is good.  She still takes naps on the weekends at home and I try so hard to get her to nap with me!  Some days she loves to and some days she wants her independence!  Makes me so sad on those days!  She likes to have lots of stuffed animals in bed with her, but her main stuffed animal is still Copper.  She still snuggles with him every night. 
I don’t know where to start!  Since she moved into the “Pre-School” room at school, she has really taken off with writing, number recognition, knowing her letters, counting, naming the seasons, naming the days of the week, counting the letters in her name, etc.!  She doesn’t wear a diaper to bed anymore but still needs one to poop!  She keeps saying she will use the toilet when she turns 4, but I have my doubts!  She likes to play Memory, but likes to cheat in order to win!  She knows how to change the toilet paper roll which surprised me one day!  She loves to help with the cleaning and is always eager to help.  She can undress and dress herself from head to toe with literally no help.  Most mornings she asks to do it all by herself while we wait in another room so she can surprise us.  She just recently mastered the art of putting her socks on.
Oh, where to start!  She can be the sweetest child and also be so devilish!  There are moments when I think she couldn’t possibly be any cuter.  She is sweet, kind, caring and worries about others.  There are other times when she has so much attitude!! She usually saves her attitude for me and not her daddy.  I can tell her teen years will be super fun!  She's outgoing, but respectful.  She can be super silly especially when she's tired.  She gets so animated when telling a story and gets really angry with me if I can't figure out what she's remembering!  Her memory is astounding and unfortunately mine isn't'!  I usually can figure out what she is talking about, but when I can't remember....watch out!

I want to remember...
How you always have to include daddy when you tell me you love…it has to be, “I love you too….and I love my daddy”
How Addy always wants to include the WHOLE family when drawing pictures.  She likes to have mom, dad, Brinkley and Addy drawn in pictures and wants to include all grandparents, aunts, uncles and dogs!
How she’ll give daddy “movie star” kisses
How you remember EVERYTHING!  Your memory is better than mine and I sometimes have to rack my brain to figure out what you are talking about!
Snuggling in bed before bedtime…just relaxing and winding down after a long day

Conversations with Addison

Addy: Mommy, I can see my teeth growing!

Addy one morning says: I'd like Grandma to pick me up after school today
Me: OK, Why?
Addy: Because I like her

Addy: Sometimes Emily picks her nose & eats it mom
Me: Eww, that's kinda icky
Addy: Well, that's for her mom to worry about, not my mommy or me, right?
Me: Right

Addy: Mommy, the sun is finally back from vacation! I'm so glad it's back!

Referring to Aunt Amanda's new dog, Rhett
Addy: Hey, I like that guy