Happy Girls!

Happy Girls!
April 2019

Thursday, January 19, 2012

3 Months Old!

Sleep has become fun in our household!  She has been going to bed anywhere between 8 and 8:30, but sleeps for 10 minutes or so and then wants to be held or fed again.  I’m not sure when I am going to try and break that habit!  She has been waking up more in the middle of the night…before it was once a night and now it is two times a night.  Justin usually does one feeding and I do the other.  She goes back to bed pretty quickly once she has food in her belly.  During the day she has short little cat naps, nothing significant!
She still eats really well.  She has been averaging about 4 oz per feeding, but sometimes needs 5 or 6.  The doctor said that we will talk about introducing rice cereal at her 4 month appointment.
Right now Addy is wearing 3 – 6 month clothing.  Her 0 – 3 month onesies don’t really fit at all.  We just bought some 6 month t-shirt onesies to go under her clothes so she has some room to grow.
Weight, Height & Head: We haven’t been to the doctors since her 2 month old checkup, so we will have to wait and see for the 4 month checkup.
Loves: Addy still really loves bath time and lying on her changing table.  She enjoys being pulled up into the sitting position and just looking around.  She also likes looking at the TV, computer and our cell phones.    
Hates: She really doesn’t seem to enjoy her car seat.  I’ll put her in there for a short period of time and she fusses until she basically falls asleep or we arrive at our destination.
Addy finally started to giggle!  She can laugh at almost anything which I just love.  She has started to hold rattles and can get them into her mouth.  She seems like she is teething, but I can’t feel anything coming in just yet.  She likes to be held facing outward while my thumb is in her mouth so she can chew on it.  She looks like she is ready to roll over any minute!  She lays on her back and twist, turns and kicks with all her might…she is soo active!  One of these days I think she might just flip over because of all her movement.  Also at this point I am pretty sure Addy has started to recognize the different voices in her life.  If one of us is holding her and someone else is talking, she is looking around trying to figure out where we are.  It’s so cute!!
The past few weeks have been great.  Justin’s mom has been at the house watching Addy (&Brinkley), cooking & cleaning.  It has been a HUGE help and it’s so nice to come home to a happy baby, a super clean house and dinner in the oven.  Are we being spoiled at the moment….COMPLETLY!  We do realize it will come to an end, but right now we are just enjoying it all. 
Here are a few pictures of her 3 month old photo shoot…she smiles all the time, until I bring the Flip camera out or a camera out!

And one last picture of her that I used for her Baptism invitations!

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