Happy Girls!

Happy Girls!
April 2019

Friday, September 18, 2015

September 2015

We have been sort of busy the past month.  The end of summer came and went, but we are still experiencing very warm weather.  We headed to the beach for about 5 days over Labor Day and had a great time.  While at the beach, Addy really started to grasp the idea of swimming.  There was a small pool that was only 2 feet deep that she really loved.  She was going under water a lot and holding her breath to get toys we threw in.  She was a little fishy!
Addison's 4th Birthday will be here before I know it!  We are doing her party at My Gym this year. Less work for me and definitely less work for my family who I've put to work for the last 3 years! This month we started wearing undies to bed after she was dry 5 nights in a row.  We have had some accidents and it is so sad when it happens.  She gets so upset, but Justin & I just try to stay positive and get everything cleaned up quick.
Addison talks NON-STOP and asks 500+ questions a day.  I sometimes wonder how she sleeps at night because it seems like she has a million things running through her brain.  She is still big into wearing dresses.  With the cooler weather coming, I have encouraged her to wear pants/shorts.  People at school didn't even think she owned a pair of pants because all they see her in are dresses.  I started to buy some fall dresses to go with leggings, so hopefully that'll go over well.
Addison is giving me a run for my money and it's already making me scared for the teenage years.  She will bicker, argue, get nasty and throw tantrums when things aren't suiting her.  95% of the time, they are directed my way...a whole 5% is directed Justin's way.  I don't know why this happens, but there are times I have to really hold my tongue and be the adult!
We've recently introduced Addison to The Beatles.  She likes listening to them and I think she finally gets it is a band of four men and not insects.  She was very confused at first and needed to know the names of them and needed to see pictures to really "get it".  She requests their songs frequently, but her favorite is Lucy In The Sky with Diamonds.

Conversations with Addy:

Addy comes into our bedroom dressed for school in a gymnastic outfit and a necklace.
Me: You can't wear that to school
Addy: Yes I can
Me: No, it was in your princess bin which means you can't wear it to school
Addy: But it isn't a princess dress
Me: You can't wear it to school, you won't even be able to go to the bathroom easily
Addy: (While stomping her feet) YES, I will!! It's like a bathing suit and I can just pull it down and go potty and then pull it back up.

We are in the car headed to school and Addy is putting on a flower headband.
Me: You put the flower in the back, it's suppose to go in the front
Addy: I want it in the back
Me: But no one can see it in the back
Addy: If someone stands behind me, they'll see it
Me: Good point

One morning before work:
Addy: I want pizza rolls
Me: We don't have any pizza rolls, but I can get the ingredients and make them later
Addy: No, No No, When I ask for something you GET IT
Me: You are being a brat and I don't like it
Addy:  I'm not going to be your kid anymore

Addy: It's a lovely day for a bike ride




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