Happy Girls!

Happy Girls!
April 2019

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

24 Months

Oh my gosh, our child is 2 years old!  Justin and I have been reminiscing the past few days about when our precious little girl was born.  It seriously seems like a decade ago that I gave birth to Addison, but on the other hand I can remember details like it was yesterday.  Her birthday party is this weekend and I decided to do a much more low key party then last year.  I will be shocked if Addison sits still long enough to even open presents. 

Size Stats:  Addy was 27.5 lbs when I took her to the doctors just last week.  We have her 2 year old well check-up on the 17th, so I’ll have a better idea of height & stats soon.  Addy is still holding strong at 2T clothes, size 5 shoes and size 5 diapers.  I think we will be bumping her up to a size 6 shoe soon, but her feet just seem so tiny still!
Development:    This kid amazes us EVERYDAY.  The words she uses is where I am most astonished.  She will try to repeat just about everything back to us.  We call her our little parrot.  This month because of Halloween coming up, she is able to say Frankenstein, Dracula, Ghost, pumpkins, and even skeletons!  I feel like these aren't easy words and she just says them with such ease.  Her teacher at Daycare said it’s very easy to chat with Addy…she understands most of what Addy is trying to tell her.  Every morning, Justin will head downstairs to get Addy her morning snack (dry cereal) & a juice cup…well apparently he wasn't moving quickly enough one day because she looked at him and said, “Daddy, get my stuff”!  We couldn't believe her “grasp” of the situation.   She is starting to recognize/remember parts of the books we read as well.  She’ll know which words are coming up and will try to read to us.  We were reading Cinderella one night and on the last page it says, “It was a Dream Come True” and Addison got to that page and just kept repeating “come true”.  Pretty good memory!
Personality:  I just love her little personality.  She is becoming such a little person!  She is definitely mischievous, but can be so sweet.  I feel like so many words could describe her!  She is a very determined child, but I think her feelings get hurt easily.  If you tell her she isn't supposed to be doing something, or scold her, she gets really upset and needs a hug.  She is definitely getting into that “Terrible Twos” frame of mind.  She is bi-polar at times!  She can go from one extreme to the other extreme in mere seconds!  She is super sweet with her animals and babies.  I love watching her take care of them.  She feeds them, changes their diapers, takes them on walks and rocks them.  She is such a little mommy!  She also will head over to wherever Brinkley is to pet her.  She will rub her head or back and tell her she loves her, or she is being a good girl, and then gets a kiss from Brinkley.  Brinkley is totally fine with this and even looks like she may like it!    
Sleeping:  Addy is still all over the board, but for the moment it looks like things have settled down.  She basically comes into bed with us around 5-6 every morning and sleeps until we wake up for work around 6:30 or 7.  It isn't too bad, but the child has radar on me, I am sure of it!  I could push her to the farthest corner of our bed and she will roll, kick and struggle until she is right back on top of me!  There are times I will sneak to Justin’s side of the bed for a few extra minutes of shut eye while he is showering in the morning for some extra space.  No lie, within 5 minutes, she’s found me!  I’m just glad she is spending 95% of the time in her room.  2 adults + 1 child + 1 dog + a Queen sized bed = CROWDED!
Likes:  Right now, her favorite animals are puppy & teddy.  Usually where there is one, there is the other.  She is always hell bent on bringing both of them wherever she goes.  Addy likes to color and will even try to color on objects other then her coloring books.  We have to keep a very close eye on her when the crayons are out!  She knows what’s she’s doing and will check to see if you are paying attention to her.  I recently found bath time crayons and those seem to be a hit.  It gets her into the bath and keeps her happy.  She really likes it when you take her crib mattress out of her bed and lie it on the ground next to the crib.  She will go in and out of her room pretending to go to sleep.  This is how we keep her busy many mornings while we are trying to get ready for work.  We just turn the video monitor on and watch her to make sure she isn't getting into any trouble!  Addy also likes to help me bake or cook.  We've made a few things together and each time she loves to help pour & mix the ingredients.  It takes about 5x’s longer to get something accomplished, but it is fun watching her “bake”.  Last but not least, she loves her Sofia Amulet (necklace).  She got it as an early birthday present from friends of ours and I can’t tell you what a hit it has been!  She walks around asking for her Amulet or telling you to put her Amulet on…it seems like such a big word for such a little girl!
Dislikes:   I can’t think of too many dislikes.  Lately she has been much better at getting her diaper changed so it hasn't been too much of an issue.    

Pictures:  Here are some of my favorite pictures from this month...

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