Happy Girls!

Happy Girls!
April 2019

Friday, March 15, 2013

17 Months

We seem to have hit an “I want to hit you” phase.  Addison has been hitting Justin & I a lot lately, much to our dismay.  It happens primarily when she is frustrated or isn't getting her way, but still it doesn't make it ok.  It’s been interesting to say the least!  I’m hoping it’s a quick phase that she’ll get over because I am sick of being smacked!  We have been telling her no and telling her that hurts, but sometimes we just have to walk away and let her cry.  The hitting seems to go on more when she isn't feeling 100%...the 3 of us have been sick on and off for what seems like a month now!
This month has been extra exciting because Uncle Gannon moved down to NC and is currently living with us!  Now Addy has one more person to show off for!
Size Stats:  I'm not really sure of her stats, I know she weighs around 23 lbs, but I'm unsure of the other two.  She is wearing all 18 month clothing currently, but some of the pants run a little big on her.  
Development:  Addy finally started walking!!!  My mom watched Addy for us on Sunday March 10th and at one point she texted me and said, "Is it normal for Addy to stand from a siting position and then just walk?"  Uhh, not really!?  She's been a walking fool ever since!  We had an appointment scheduled with our pediatrician regarding her walking on March 11th.  Needless to say, Addy decided she didn't think that appointment was needed and started walking a ton more!  Addy can kind of count...if we say one she'll say "two" and then "three".  Two & Three kind of blend together, but still very cute.
My new favorite sentences that Addy says are: “Where’d it go?” and “Lay-Down”.  When she says, “Where’d it go” she cocks her head to one side and throws her hands up like she is confused.  She looks so freaking adorable.  She also has a tendency to point at the dogs and tells them to lay down…guess she hears it enough from everyone else!  Addy is usually pretty good at saying Please & Thank You, but sometimes needs to be reminded.  I hear "up, up" a lot during a day and she is usually wanting her snack cup or juice cup.  I think she's pretty smart!  I pretty much jinxed myself on the last post because rides to and from daycare lately have been a nightmare!  She gets so pissed when I put her in her car seat and if she is wearing her pink puffy winter jacket, well let’s just say be prepared for screaming & crying galore! I've been giving her a juice cup & snack cup to help things go more smoothly, but sometimes she just isn't having it.
Personality:  I think Justin & I are going to have to lay the law down with her constantly!  She is soo hard headed!!  She is determined to do what she wants to do.  Even when she is sick, she is hell-bent on getting her way.  She likes to be held when she doesn't feel good, which I get, but she’ll only be happy if I am holding her and ONLY IF I AM STANDING!  It’s like what the heck child!  If I sit down for 1 minute with her she freaks out like I am causing her great pain.  I think it’s just another instance of Addy wanting to get her way.
Eating:  She has been kind of picky lately.  It probably hasn't helped that she had the stomach bug and a bad cough & cold.  She would eat fruit all day if I let her, but it seems to mess with her stomach a little.  She’s a big fan of cereal lately and munches on it first thing in the mornings when lounging in our bed before we get ready for work.  Every once in awhile, Justin & I find remnants of whatever she ate earlier in the day in our bed…yuck! 
Sleeping:  Again, being sick has not helped with Addy’s sleeping pattern.  She had been waking up in the middle of the night to: cry, talk, scream, cough, watch Mickey Mouse, hang out, etc.!  It’s always a challenge because I honestly just want to do whatever it takes to get her back to sleep so I can get back to sleep.  For some of us, it’s easier to sleep through a crying, screaming baby then others!
Likes: Right now she likes to color…but with that comes her fascination of chewing on the crayons.  She chews on it a little, makes a horrible face and then goes back for more!  Interesting, very interesting.  So usually coloring comes to an abrupt halt because she won’t stop tasting the crayons.  She still loves bath time…bubbles are a huge hit.  She is obsessed with taking wipes out of the container.  We usually say, just one, but she’ll grab as many as possible before we take the container away.  I swear we have more dried up wipes lying around the house, then fresh ones in the container!  Every once in awhile, she’ll decide a wipe is trash worthy and will take it to the kitchen to throw away.  She’s just so helpful that one. 
Dislikes:  Still isn't a fan of having her diaper changed.  She cries and cries like I am torturing her…I assure you, I’m not!
Pictures:  Not the best pictures, but I'll take some more at the end of the day!

1 comment:

  1. Jordan does the same thing! Katelyn is always telling him no, but sometimes it's hard not to laugh because he gets such a mad look on his face that it's actually cute.
