Happy Girls!

Happy Girls!
April 2019

Monday, October 10, 2011

Monday Appointment Info

Justin & I went to my appointment on Monday with the thought that WE would be able to choose when and if we'd want to induce.  Well that came to a crashing halt!  My blood pressure is still up, but not enough to cause great alarm.  All other tests that I have had have come back normal so the doctor isn't interested in inducing quickly.  I was actually upset at this point because I am really uncomfortable!  My ribs and sternum feel like they are continually being stabbed...it isn't a good feeling!  The doctor again checked my cervix and I am still at zero cm dilated.  The doctor said we could schedule an induction for Sunday October 16th.  We would go into the hospital on Sunday evening at which point they will start the process of inducing.  The hope is that the body will respond but also be able to relax and get some sleep during the night before the fireworks start.
So at this point, we are scheduled for another doctor appointment on Friday the 14th to repeat the same tests done last Friday which are an ultrasound and a non-stress test.  I guess this is just to make sure the baby is still doing well in her environment...I'm assuming if anything changed they'd admit me to the hospital ASAP.
For the moment, I am done with work and just hanging out at home with my pup.  Ollie has also been over so I have plenty of company!  I am trying to relax and also hoping mother nature does her thing before Sunday!

Ol sprawled across my legs, Brinkley at my feet...so precious!

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