Happy Girls!

Happy Girls!
April 2019

Thursday, August 15, 2013

22 Months

This past month we have fallen into a pretty fun nighttime routine.  We will give Addison a bath, then lay with her on our bed while she has her nighttime milk and watch a little TV.  After that, we turn the TV off for some singing and hanging out.  This is honestly my favorite time of the day.  She has us in hysterics most nights.  It’s just really fun to be all cuddly in bed before she goes down for the night.  We have been doing “family hugs” lately and she loves this…she even requests them!  We both then take her into her bedroom, get good night hugs & kisses and she is asleep sometimes before we even get downstairs. 
We had extra fun this month because we went up to NY on a whirlwind trip!  Our drive up to NY wasn’t the greatest.  We ended up stopping around 10:30 pm somewhere in Pennsylvania about 2 hours away from Endicott because Addy got sick all over the place.  It was a yucky mess, so we did some laundry, took baths and regrouped till the following day.  We had a lovely King Size bed for the 3 of us, but Addison is like glue and stuck to my side and crowded me!  It was great once we finally got to NY, but it was crazy.  Friday we had the rehearsal dinner for Justin’s cousin Nicole, Saturday was her wedding, Sunday I went to Katie’s McD’s baby shower and Monday we got on the road to head back to NC!  Addy was great on the car ride back.  We basically let her watch Mickey Mouse & Dora episodes all the way home (around 12 hours!?!).  It kept her happy and I think it keeps her focused so she doesn't get car sick!!

Size Stats:  Addison is about 26lbs, wearing mostly 2T clothes, size 5 shoes and size 5 diapers.  I think she has gotten a little taller because her hands just about reach the sink when standing on her stool in the downstairs bathroom. 

Development:  Addison is definitely putting sentences together.  Pretty sure I am going to count July 17th as the first day Addison said her first sentence.  It was, “Daddy come here, lay down”!  It all just flowed together perfectly!  When we were in NY for a wedding, she was yelling at the wildlife…”Deer, Come Here! I’m talking”!  She is pretty bossy actually!  She is able to look at me and say “I Love You, Mommy” or look at Justin and say “I Love You, Daddy”.  Her favorite song to request lately seems to be ABCD.  She’ll say ABCD which basically means she wants to sing the A,B,C’s.  She is pretty good at it!  She still enjoys Twinkle Twinkle, Happy Birthday, You Are My Sunshine and Baby Beluga.  She is getting better at jumping and loves to twirl in circles.

Personality:  Bossy, Sassy & Determined basically sum Addison up.  There are many times when she is sensitive, sweet & cuddly too.  She definitely has a sensitive side to her which I think I forget about because her other traits are so obvious.  She is so sweet to her babies & stuffed animals and gets genuinely concerned when something goes wrong when watching her shows.

Sleeping:  Sleep has still been going well, KNOCK ON WOOD!  She had some issues when we went to NY, but I think she just has a hard time sleeping anywhere but her crib.  She ended up in our bed every night when we were in NY, but whatever she needs more sleep than Justin & I.  If she is unhappy then we are all probably unhappy by association!

Likes: Sofia the First on Disney, she calls it Fia.  Now if only Disney would make a few more episodes!  Justin & I have seen the same 5 episodes one too many times! I swear if I have to hear the song, “I’m a Blue Ribbon Bunny” one more time, I may break the TV!  Pizzzaaa is a definite favorite food at the moment.  She loves to unload & reload her 2 bottom drawers in her room…which are shorts & pants.  It makes for quite the mess and I have decided I am no longer folding these items because she usually just destroys my beautiful work.  She likes to be alone in her room as well.  She’ll close the door and when you open it, she’ll yell “No Mommy, Out”!  Wonderful, her teenage years are already creeping in!

Dislikes:  Lately she dislikes unfamiliar men.  She’ll say No Guy when someone is near her that she doesn't approve of.  This isn't a horrible thing from her, so we usually just go with it and try to reassure her if it is someone who is OK.  She gets super funny about drool.  Like I said before, we lay in bed before her bedtime and often times she will drool on our sheets when rolling around.  She seems mortified of the drool and will ask for a napkin to wipe it up.  She has been blaming the drool on Daddy lately, but we know it’s really her!

Pictures:  Here are some of my favorite pictures from this month...