Happy Girls!

Happy Girls!
April 2019

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

36 Weeks, Baby #2

The baby is still gaining weight and becoming rounder in appearance. By the end of this week, the baby will be just three weeks away from full term!  The baby’s current size is 18.75 inches and weighs about 5.75 lbs (which we know from my last appointment to be on the lower side of what she actually is weighing in at).  I am starting to feel more anxious than usual.  I’m starting to worry more about the C-section and complications.  My mind just unfortunately goes there!  I’m thinking a lot about having 2 kids in the house and how Addison will adjust to the new baby.  She is super excited right now, but she has no idea what life will be like with an infant.  Addy is very eager to be helpful, but I can see it now, she’ll get all bent out of shape not getting enough attention.  It’ll be a big change for all of us, it’s been just the 3 of us for 5+ years, so I get it!  My mind races as I try to go to sleep at night, which makes for restless nights.  Hoping this feeling will go away once she is born!

Here is an updated pic, taken by Addison yet again!  She told me just this morning that I am looking REALLY BIG….thanks darling!

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