Happy Girls!

Happy Girls!
April 2019

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Week 34, Baby #2

This week the waxy protective coating, vernix, is becoming much thicker as the lanugo continues to shed and may be almost completely gone by now.  Inside the baby, the lungs are continuing to mature in preparation for breathing in the outside world.  She is about 17.75 inches which is about the size of an average cantaloupe while weighting in at 4.75 lbs.
I am feeling super-duper tired but have a really hard time getting to sleep every night!  I’ll lay down, toss & turn and itch like crazy!  I don’t itch at any other point in the day, so it is weird.  Once I fall asleep, I get up every hour or so to pee….but once 1 am hits, my body will finally go into a deep sleep until 6:00 am or so.  I still have the issue of my pelvis hurting and it seems to be getting more intense.  I read this might have to do with the baby dropping further down in preparation for delivery.  I get shooting pains which always makes for a fun time. 

We are 4 days away from Christmas and Addison is so excited!  I am just hoping she sleeps til 7 am…this is probably wishful thinking!  Here is another stellar photo from Addison this morning!  She's such a good helper!

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