Happy Girls!

Happy Girls!
April 2019

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Week 29, Baby #2

Over the next three months the baby is in for a major growth spurt.  She is currently about 15.25 inches and weighs in around 2.5 lbs.  I’m currently measuring large so who knows how big she really is!  During the third trimester fatigue will start to set in again.  My body is working extra hard to carry oxygen and nutrients to your baby and my diaphragm will be pushed up by my still expanding uterus, causing me to feel short of breath. Fortunately, the baby will become very active and I can start to count the baby's kicks each day.

We’ve kind of been on a roller coaster ride these past few days.  I had an ultrasound last week just to make sure everything looked good in there due to her measuring big (29 weeks measuring in at 32). There were plenty of fluids and they said she looked good!  We then visited Rex Hospital Labor & Delivery this past Saturday due to bleeding.  They brought us in, monitored the baby and I for several hours and then we were released thankfully.  They don’t really know what caused the bleeding, but they ruled out a placenta abruption, placenta Previa and labor.  All good things, but still don’t know what the issue was.  They basically said if it happens again, I could be in the hospital long term until the baby is due.  This has totally thrown me for a loop and I am just praying everything can go smoothly from here on out.  I also received a call today saying I failed the second glucose test which means I have gestational diabetes.  This isn’t the end of the world, but just one more thing to worry about.  I’ll meet with a dietitian in the next week to change up my diet and learn how to draw my own blood.  I’ll basically have to bring in the test strips so the doctors can further monitor my blood sugar level.  If worse comes to worse, they’ll put me on a medication, but hopefully it won’t come to that.  So at this moment I’m just trying to push forward!

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