Happy Girls!

Happy Girls!
April 2019

Monday, April 15, 2013

18 Months

This past month I feel like I have heard the word "Momma" uttered just shy of a million times!!   She is constantly talking, either actual words or her own language.  She is currently obsessed with cheese ("Ch ee") and grapes.  It's ridiculous that we have to cut her off from eating more than her fair share of cheese!

Size Stats:  I feel like she is a peanut, but she is in the 90th % for height & weight.  She is wearing all 18 month clothing with some 2T things thrown in there as well.  She is still in a size 4 diaper and we recently moved up to a size 4 shoe.  The 4’s are a little big, but 3’s were getting to be too small.  She is long & skinny and I miss her baby fat!!  
Development:  We have a full blown walker/runner on our hands!  She is so proud of herself as are we.  It is so stinkin’ cute watching her walk and still seems unreal.  Our “baby” isn't very baby-like anymore!  Her motor skills seem to be great, she has a ball with shapes cut-out in it and can pretty much find the shape, put it where it’s supposed to go and push it through.  Ah-mazing!  She can put a the chap stick top back where it belongs and loves doing it over and over again.  She can also put a water bottle top on & off.  Her vocabulary is always expanding; I’m continually shocked at what she tries to repeat back to us.  The daycare teachers have said that Addison is a parrot at school lately.  I guess we have to be extra careful what comes out of our mouths at home!  She is very good at pointing out mouth, ears, eyes & nose on herself & others. 
Personality:  I think Addison knows she is funny…she just has this look about her like she knows she is entertaining you.  In this aspect she is so like her father!  They both have great comedic timing!  Everyone at daycare said she smiles from when I drop her off til when I pick her up.  It's still hard leaving her there, but she does seem to enjoy it.  Addy already shows off some when it is just Justin & I, but when anyone else is around, she puts on a show.  She still is very hard-headed and wants to have her way.  She knows she shouldn't touch the DVR, but will go up to it and turn around to look at us to see if we are paying attention.  Same thing with Brinkley's water bowl and same thing with standing on her Minnie Mouse chair!  She knows its wrong, but is constantly testing her boundaries.  
Sleeping:  Sleeping has been a disaster lately.  It’s so hard to make a plan and stick to it.  A few weeks ago, we had gotten to a point where she’ll come into bed with us for a little while, watch some TV then head back to bed.  She is always willing to head back to bed after a little time with us, but it still makes for a very tiring night.  Since she got her tubes, we've had some good nights and some awful nights!  She's slept in bed with us a few times and let me tell you, sleeping with a snoring husband, a snuggly dog and wild sleeping baby is sooo NOT fun!  We've had some good nights for a few days so we are hoping we are getting into a good pattern!
Likes:  She still has a deep love for baby wipes.  She always wants to have one!  She likes to put things in the garbage still so we have to be careful to not turn our backs…you never know what she may try and throw away.  She loves to brush her teeth and always wants more toothpaste to suck off her toothbrush.  She also likes to put lotion on after bath time.  Her new favorite activity is to unload my jewelry drawer.  Thankfully I don't have too many nice things, but man, it isn't fun to clean up!  She is very into going outside and playing with chalk.  The weather has turned nice and all I hear is "o-side, o-side"...it's going to be a long spring/summer!  
Dislikes:  I think I have finally found the secret to making Addison not hate diaper changes…singing!  If I sing short little songs (Twinkle, Twinkle, Row your boat, Itsy Bitsy Spider) things go so much more smoothly. She has short little hissy fits when she doesn't get her way, but moves on quickly from them.  For awhile she hated wearing her pink puffy winter coat…I had to ditch it and just add layers so I didn't have to deal with it!  
Pictures:  Here are some of my favorite pictures from this month...

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