The last month of single digits! I can’t believe in just a few short months we will be celebrating her 1st birthday! Time is seriously flying by! My father recently asked if I’d still be making Addison wear her “month” onesies when she turns 6. The answer is no, I just have them to 12 months! She continues to crack us all up. She just brings so much joy to our lives!
Size Stats: Weight, Height & Head – She is getting so tall! We have our 9 month well appointment on July 17th, so we will know just how big she actually is very soon. She is wearing size 4 diapers although they are a little big. She wears all 9 month clothes with the exception of pants/shorts which are 12 months.
Development: Addy officially said da-da on Father’s day (June 17th)! We were getting out of the car and Justin came around the back to meet us and clear as a bell she said da-da…we were both so excited and it was a wonderful father’s day gift! On Sunday June 24th I noticed Addy’s first tooth! It is on the bottom in the middle and is just breaking through! About a week later my dad was talking about Addy’s “teeth”…I brushed it off and just thought he was confused, but sure enough a second one had sprouted right next to the first! Addy FINALLY said Ma-ma on July 10th! She is getting the hang of it and goes back and forth between da-da & ma-ma.
This kid sooo wants to move! She is reaching out trying to get things and one of these times she is either going to fall on her face OR get her knees under her and crawl. She loves standing up and swaying and also hanging on to things that are at her level. She still hasn’t rolled over!?! I’m not sure who it will shock more when she finally does roll over…her or me. Justin’s parents have been in town for a few days now and have already taught Addison how to say thank you! It all came about by passing a paper towel back & forth and when she gets it handed back to her, she says a very quiet thank you. It is so sweet and melts your heart!
Personality: She is still the happiest of campers. She is always smiling and chatting. She has started to throw little hissy fits when you make her do something she doesn’t want to do, like change her diaper, but we can usually get her to laugh pretty quickly and change her attitude. She is just so laid back and easy going. I feel like she is oozing personality and is becoming more & more like her father everyday. She thinks everything is funny just like her daddy and she also has this little mischievous sparkle in her eye that is definitely Justin! She has been very into her daddy lately and screams his name quite frequently. I think she just wants his constant attention!
Eating: She is finally getting over the gag thing. She has 3 meals a day with bottles spread out in between them. I still have to puree her food until it’s pretty smooth, but she does so well with it. I have been giving her some finger foods with at least 2 meals a day and daycare has been as well. I love to watch her use her little pinchers while she picks up food, it is so cute and reminds me of a little crab.
Sleeping: Addy still has been waking up once a night!? I know at our 9 month appointment the doctor is going to tell me she should be fine sleeping through the whole night, but it is just so easy to wake up, give Addy a bottle then head back to bed. There is no crying and hardly any interrupted sleep. We will definitely be working on sleeping through the night after Justin’s parents head back to NY. As Justin says, what are a few more nights! Her daytime naps have been getting a little better. She still likes her 30 minute naps, but every so often she throws in an hour nap. If she were miserable I’d worry, but again she is happy 95% of the time.
Likes: She loves giving Brinkley food while she is eating. She will not focus on her meal half the time, unless Brinkley is sitting next to her patiently waiting for a handout. She still loves the pool and all that comes with it…the water, the children, the float and the splashing. She has been enjoying standing up with assistance lately. She can’t pull herself up, but if she is sitting on your lap she tries to stand on her own by pushing up. We recently found that she really enjoys a 6 pack of paper towels because it is just the right level and nice and soft!
Dislikes: She doesn't like regular potatoes. They are just a weird texture for her I guess. She isn't a fan of me trying to look at her new acquired teeth. She doesn't want my fingers anywhere near them! She also has to be tricked into wearing a bow. She hasn't liked it lately when I put one in her hair; she actually started to cry the other day. If she is playing and I sneak it in however, she doesn't touch it! I honestly can’t think of anything else she really doesn't like!
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