Happy Girls!

Happy Girls!
April 2019

Thursday, March 15, 2012

5 Months Old!

Size Stats: Weight, Height & Head – I don't have the specific weight because we don't have another well visit until 6 months, but I will try and weigh her at home later on.  Addy hasn’t completely outgrown all her 3 month clothing, but she most definitely has to wear 6 month sleepers.  Her little arms & legs are way too scrunched if we put her in anything else.  I might have to switch her from her infant car seat to her convertible car seat because she is getting too heavy for me to be carrying that thing!  Its one thing on the weekends when Justin can cart her around, but going to and from daycare or anywhere else is hard on my own!  Add to it the several bags I lug around as well and I’ve become a packing mule!
Development:  Addy is doing all sorts of fun things lately.  She definitely grabs at anything we put in front of her whether it is a toy, a cell phone, Brinkley or a cookie.  (We obviously aren’t letting her eat the cookies!?)  We just started trying to let her sit by herself.  She usually hunches forward, but she seems like she is getting the idea.  She loves to be held in the standing position and pushes down on her legs.  She still isn’t flipping from side-to-side, but I feel like any day now she might do it at least on accident.  She is so busy when she is on her tummy or back.  She flaps and flails like a bird flying or a frog swimming!
Personality:  She has quite the personality…she talks NON-STOP!  Even the people at daycare say she just chats away all day when she is there.  She loves to hear her voice I guess!  She thinks her daddy is hysterical even when he isn’t trying to be funny…good luck disciplining her someday Justin!  He’ll just look at her and she laughs, it cracks us up.  She still has a very sweet demeanor and is such a good baby.  She is generally happy and hasn’t cried once when I’ve dropped her off at daycare.  Now, I realize the time will come when she does cry, but it has made it so mush easier on me these first few weeks knowing she is happy.
Eating:  Some day’s she likes food and other days she just wants her bottle.  I’ve been trying to incorporate food on an every other day basis, but sometimes she just isn’t interested.  I see no need to push it at this point and when she does actually eat her oatmeal, fruits or veggies it seems to have no impact on her sleep…she still likes to wake up several times at night.
Sleeping:  She still hates to nap.  She’ll take a few 30 – 45 minute naps a day, but that’s it.  Sometimes she’ll lie down and talk herself to sleep, but sometimes she won’t buy into the whole nap thing and cries until you get her out.  At night she is going to bed between 7:30 & 8.  Usually she’ll sleep until at least 12:30 until she “needs” a bottle, but lately she has been waking up like a ½ hour after we put her down and is not a happy camper.  Justin still has the 1st feeding shift while I have the 2nd shift.  It is looking like we will be trying the ferberization method ASAP (aka crying it out).  I’m not really looking forward to the crying that will be involved but I am looking forward to a full nights sleep for all.  Most mommies I have talked to said it took their child about 3 nights to get the hang of it.  So if we start on a Friday night, hopefully by Sunday she will be somewhat use to the routine.  My only problem is that she is usually good when we put her to sleep…it’s the middle of the night feedings that I’m worried about.  I guess we can only try and see how it goes!
Likes:  Addy pretty much likes everything!  She loves to be held and cuddled with.  She is starting to really enjoy Brinkley.  I think she knows Brinkley’s name, but I could be wrong!  She loves laughing, being tickled or entertained.  She still loves bath time and at the end I sit her up to look at the frog that is on the faucet.  She can also see her reflection on this silver piece in the tub which keeps her captivated.  She always smile when I lotion her up after her bath and kicks like crazy.  She loves watching us throw the ball for Brinkley and gets very excited when Brinkley runs back with the ball.  She seems to really enjoy her exer-saucer.  We keep in primarily in the kitchen to keep her occupied when cleaning up or making a meal. 
Dislikes:  she definitely dislikes waiting for her bottle at night time.  After her bath we bring her in to get lotioned up and dressed for the night.  Towards the end of getting her dressed, she usually looses her patience and gets fussy.  She knows her bottle is coming and she wants it right away!  She also hates it when I wipe her nose or face, she swats at me in protest.  She also isn’t a fan of the nose suction I’ve been using on her lately since she’s had a runny nose, but I really can’t blame her there!

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