I’m in the home stretch! The third and final trimester starts this week. Also, if I’m like most women, I'll gain about 11 pounds this trimester – Ut Oh, watch out!
Baby's Size: By this week, the baby weighs two and a quarter pounds – like a Chinese cabbage- and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. She's also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.
My Weight: I have an appointment on Wednesday where I will get the scary details!
Maternity Clothes: I found a dress I liked from Target and ordered it online because I couldn’t find it in my size in two different stores.
Movement: There is movement ALL the time. I could sit and watch my stomach move for hours on end, but that doesn’t seem very productive!
Maternity Clothes: I found a dress I liked from Target and ordered it online because I couldn’t find it in my size in two different stores.
Movement: There is movement ALL the time. I could sit and watch my stomach move for hours on end, but that doesn’t seem very productive!
Sleep: Oh sleep; how I’ve missed you…my runs to the bathroom at night are getting more frequent which kind of suck, but what can you do!? Getting up several times during the night wouldn’t be so bad if I wasn’t such a wack job. I lie in bed and hear all kinds of noises and automatically think someone is breaking in. Thankfully Justin is right next to me and we have an alarm system, but my mind still plays games with me! I’ve started to ice my ribs right before bed and that seems to at least numb the pain a little so I can fall asleep.
What I miss: I miss being “normal”. Life now revolves around this pregnancy completely. I feel like a bum and get tired so quickly when doing everyday tasks such as the laundry and sadly even putting the dishes away! Best Moment this week: When we received a gift from Justin’s parents…the nursery glider & ottoman! It is the last piece of furniture we are going to cram into the nursery and I am so excited to see the final product! We are slowly but surely getting everything where we want it.
Looking forward to: Seeing the baby on Wednesday!! Justin wants to ask if we can implant a video chip in my belly so we can always see what she is doing, but I am guessing they won’t be doing that.
Cravings: Still no real cravings. It’s kind of weird because I feel like I should have some, but I guess I am just boring! Symptoms: Rib pain, back pain, leg cramps and now a numbing of my left hand. I’m definitely going to bring up this rib pain yet again to the doctor because I am convinced it is my appendix about to rupture. Justin asked that I just tell the doctors my symptoms and not to diagnose myself, BUT we will see!
Pictures: Here is a picture from early Sunday morning…when I say early I mean 9:30ish, but for a Sunday that is early for me! I value my weekend sleep-ins because I know they will be disappearing in a few short months.
The new Glider almost fully assembled! |
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