Happy Girls!

Happy Girls!
April 2019

Friday, June 1, 2018

May 2018

It seems like May was a very long month!  The month was chalk full of activities.  First up, Addy had her first ever sleepover with the Girl Scouts.  Several Girl Scout troops in the area went to Marbles Museum for activities and then got to sleep in the museum.  Addy did great at the sleepover; she was just a little crabby the day after!
Next up we had a kindergarten field trip for Addison at Page Farms.  I was a chaperone that day and we had a lot of fun on the tractor ride, playing and strawberry picking!  It was a super-hot day and the kids were sweaty messes!
Mom & Dad had a fun night out in May, one of our friends turned 30 and a 90’s party was thrown.  It was another hot day/night, but it was a nice time out from the kids!
We’ve been really fortunate and have gotten to see Amanda, Ian & Emy a few times this month!  We finally went to see where Emy is living in Winston-Salem and the girls were impressed!  Addy pretty much wanted to move in, but I convinced her to still live with me!
On to Hailey…
Sleeping – When will we ever sleep again!?  I know Hailey is getting some teeth, but man, she’s killing us! 
Eating – She’s still trying and eating lots of things.  She’s becoming like Addison where she likes to eat off mom’s plate…one of these days I’ll get my own plate!
Clothing – she is wearing all 18 months clothes with some 24 month pj’s in the mix. 
Loves – She still loves her big sis and Brinkley.  There are times when she is so snuggly with her mom & dad.  We both savor those moments when she isn’t on the go!  She loves marshmallows and Lucky Charms therefore I am putting a ban on them!  She gets so ticked when you won’t give her them!
Hates – as I said above, she gets so mad when I don’t give her marshmallows or Lucky Charms.  Hailey knows where they are in the pantry and whines and throws a tantrum for them.  It’s just not fun!