Happy Girls!

Happy Girls!
April 2019

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

February 2018

I feel like I blinked and it was March!  February started off nice enough but towards the end got a little rough.  At the beginning of the month, Addison had an awards ceremony where she received the “Exceptional Improvement” award.  It was a nice little ceremony at school where Justin, my parents, Hailey & I were able to attend. 
Towards the end of the month, Hailey got a pretty good fever one Thursday afternoon.  I took her to the doctors where they thankfully said she did not have the flu.  They said it was probably a virus.  She continued to have a fever off and on through Saturday.  On Sunday we noticed little bumps on her torso.  I didn’t think much of them until the next day when there seemed to be even more.  I finally took her in and they diagnosed her with Roseola.  Her rash was all over her stomach, back and neck area.  They said her Roseola rash wasn’t itchy or contagious at that point, but I still felt bad for her. 
Sleeping – Hailey continues to perplex us in the sleep department.  For one week, she decided to have a wake up time of about 5am.  Justin & I were zombies!  She then went to sleeping rather well but waking up once a night and then she went back to waking up two times a night!  We can’t figure this kid out!
Eating – Hailey is hit or miss on many foods.  She seems to go through spurts of really liking something one week (corn/oranges) to not wanting anything to do with it the next.  By the end of February, we completely dropped all daytime bottles at daycare.  It seems to be throwing her for a tiny loop.  She is usually really hungry by the time we get home from daycare!
Clothing – she is wearing all 18 months clothes, the 12 month clothes just don’t cut it!
Loves – Hailey is loving yogurt right now!  She loves bath time, cuddling with her sister, trying to stand & walk on her own and being mischievous!  She’ll grab something that she knows she shouldn’t have a crawl at warp speed away from you.  I think she understands way more then we give her credit for!
Hates – changing her diaper is impossible!  She freaks out lately as soon as you lay her down.  She hates to get pulled from the bath tub too.  She screams and cries as soon as you attempt to grab her.  She also gets very upset when I put her in the car seat.  She has been super fun!