Addison got to go see Frozen on Ice with Grandma. My mom bought tickets for the 2 of them and she said they had a great time. Addison was glued to her lap and was in awe of it all. I had purchased a Frozen shirt for her to wear and my mom bought her a Frozen "coffee mug", so she was in heaven!
Addison, Shelly & I attempted to make flour hand made ornaments one day. Shelly kind of got roped into the whole ordeal and it was sooo messy, but Addy seemed to have fun. The next day I let her paint them and then we hung them on the tree.
We have our Elf on Shelf up in the house, which sometimes "works" and other times doesn't. His name is Buttons and Addy will quickly respond if we say, "Buttons is watching". Other times she'll say, I don't care if Santa comes.
I'm super excited for Christmas day to see how Addison likes everything from Santa. I think she'll be one happy little girl! We will be staying in NC this year, but we are lucky enough to have Justin's parents headed down the day after Christmas. I feel like Addy won't know what hit her with ALL the stuff the grandmas have bought her!!
Addy conversations:
While I was rushing around to get ready one morning, I was saying Addy we are running late, come on!!
Me: ummmmm
On a morning when Addy wasn't feeling well and it sounded like she had laryngitis
Addy: My voice sounds funny (while giggling)
One morning when we saw a large Menorah on TV:
Addy: Those candles are missing it's cake!!
Addy: (to Justin) You're the Prince
Justin: No, I'm the King
Addy: No Gannon is the wait Guppy is the King!!
We had friends over and one of them threw a soccer ball at Shelly
One night when Addy was supposed to be going to bed, but was crying instead
Me: What's wrong
Addy: The red bear is looking at me
Addy: Please move him
Me: Alright.....
One night when Addy was talking in her sleep
Addy: I can help Guppy, I can help Guppy!
After pouring Addy a bowl of goldfish and handing to her
Addy: You're too good to me
Frozen on Ice |
Painting Ornaments |