Happy Girls!

Happy Girls!
April 2019

Sunday, April 20, 2014


We had a wonderful Easter weekend! We were supposed to participate in an Egg hunt at the Brier Creek clubhouse the day before Easter, but heavy rain made them have to cancel that part.  We headed to the clubhouse anyways to see the Easter bunny.  Addison was super excited up until the Easter bunny actually showed up.  She was petrified!!  My mom was holding Addy and she was visibly shaking while looking at the bunny.  She shed a few tears and we decided to go on our marry way.  We went into the next room to enjoy some games, but there wasn't a whole lot going on!  We grabbed a few eggs, did the cupcake walk and headed home.  Maybe next year she will sit with the bunny!

Easter day started off at our house...Addy found her basket in her tent.  We opened a few things, ate a few jelly beans and continued to get ready for church.  We went to church with the whole family then headed to my parents house for an early dinner.  Addy was able to track down her basket at my parents and immediately put on her new white shoes.  She pretty much wore them all day until bedtime!  We had a great dinner and basically continued to lounge and entertain Addy while Justin & my dad watched baseball.  Amanda left shortly after dinner to get back to her place before it got dark.

Conversations with Addison...

Justin: Addison, please keep your shoes on
Addison: I wish I could

Justin: What do you think will be in your Easter basket
Addison: Probably.....(whispering now) jelly beans
Singing in church

Her new shoes

she loves tilting her head for pictures! 

Family pic

Thursday, April 17, 2014

2 1/2 Year Old Well Appt.

We had a great visit with Dr. Sarah for Addison's 2 1/2 year well appointment.  
Addison's stats were:
Weight - 28.25 lbs (50%)
Height - 35 inches (25%)
Head Circumference - 48.5 cm (70%)

Addison chatted up Dr. Sarah and was such a good patient.  She let her look in her ears, eyes and mouth and smiled through it all.  Addison ears looked great and I am happy to report that both tubes are still in there!  Dr. Sarah thought Addison spoke very well and carried on a few short conversations with her.  We talked about potty training and how Addison doesn't seem interested in it.  Basically, she told me to take our time and don't push it because she might fight back hard on it.  All in all, it was a great appointment and we have a very healthy, happy little girl.
Addison had a bag full of eggs from the egg hunt they had at school earlier in the day...she was pumped with all the candy she found...I wasn't as pumped!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

April 2014 - 2 1/2 Years Old!!

This little girl is growing up right before our eyes!  She seems so grown up most days and it's crazy to watch her learn new things and see how quickly she absorbs them.  Right now Addison seems hugely interested in the human body.  She is pretty fascinated with her boobs and makes comments like, "Daddy, those are your boobs...my boobs are in my shirt".  She recently asked if she could touch mine which I kindly replied no, I don't think so.  P.S. this didn't stop her from touching them.  She also likes looking at herself in the mirror and making silly faces.  She continues to talk so much and everyday when I pick her up from school there is a check box next to "talkative" and then it is circled.  The teachers have said if she's quiet, they know something is up!
I decided to try and ask Addison a series of questions to see how she'd answer them.  I asked her these questions over the course of a few days because she couldn't focus long enough to answer them all in one sitting!!  I wanted to add my commentary through out so I don't forget what she was like at this age!

What is your name? Addison (She sometimes wills say Addy Grace or Addison Crooks)

What is your favorite color? Pink (This child LOVES pink!  Pink shoes, pink clothes, pink toys, pink anything)

What is your favorite toy? She just stared at me like I was crazy.  I'm not sure she actually has a favorite toy though, she kind of rotates through which stuffed animal is her #1.  We have puppy, big teddy, pink teddy, tiny teddy, red teddy and Copper that seem to be in the rotation currently.  However, she sleeps with 20 stuffed animals and knows when one is missing!!

What is your favorite fruit? Again, blank stare.  Right now she is on a pineapple kick.  I am hoping with the summer months rolling in she'll be eating way more fruit then usual!

What is your favorite TV show? Rio (We have been watching the movie Rio on repeat lately.  She is obsessed with it and as luck may have it, Rio 2 recently came out so we plan on taking Addy to see it as her first movie in the theater.)

What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?  Her answer was simple: Food.

What is your favorite outfit?  She didn't answer, but she tries to wear her pink Sofia outfit as much as possible!  

What is your favorite game?  No answer from Addy and the only thing I could think of was catch!  She loves to pretty much play catch with anything.

What is your favorite snack? graham crackers.  She looks so cute dipping her little graham crackers in her milk cup.

What is your favorite animal? Dog.

What is your favorite book? She quickly replied, Where the wild things are!! Then just as quickly changed her answer to fishy book.  The fishy book is actually called Rainbow Fish and we pretty much read it every night.

Who is your best friend? Gannon (I think it was because I asked her while he was sitting next to her...when I asked her later she said, my daddy)

https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/images/cleardot.gifWhat is your favorite thing to do outside?  Play.  Plain & simple!

What is your favorite holiday?  She didn't reply but I don't think she actually knows what that means!  She just told us the other day that the Easter bunny is coming to visit Santa....soooo who knows what's going on in that brain of hers!

What do you like to take to bed with you at night?  She replied "my daddy".  I guess in her defense, he does come in to her bedroom every night to put her to bed!

What do you want to be when you grow up? Again, no answer

Where do you want to go on vacation? In a very whiny tone, I want to go on vacation.

Who do you want to come over for a play date?  Jacob & Emily...these are two kids that are in her class.  She talks about them non-stop!

Who do you love? Everyone (Awwww)

What’s your favorite drink? Chocolate Milk

Here are some of my favorite pictures from the month!