Happy Girls!

Happy Girls!
April 2019

Monday, December 15, 2014

December 2014

It seems like the month has gone quickly with Christmas rapidly approaching.  Addison is excited for Santa to visit her house but only if she doesn't have to see him.  We were going to take her to see Santa with friends, but she just seems so scared, so we decided not to.  We talk about how happy and friendly Santa is, but when push comes to shove, she just doesn't buy it.  Hopefully one of these years I can get a picture with her & Santa!
Addison got to go see Frozen on Ice with Grandma.  My mom bought tickets for the 2 of them and she said they had a great time.  Addison was glued to her lap and was in awe of it all.  I had purchased a Frozen shirt for her to wear and my mom bought her a Frozen "coffee mug", so she was in heaven!
Addison, Shelly & I attempted to make flour hand made ornaments one day.  Shelly kind of got roped into the whole ordeal and it was sooo messy, but Addy seemed to have fun.  The next day I let her paint them and then we hung them on the tree.
We have our Elf on Shelf up in the house, which sometimes "works" and other times doesn't.  His name is Buttons and Addy will quickly respond if we say, "Buttons is watching".  Other times she'll say, I don't care if Santa comes.
I'm super excited for Christmas day to see how Addison likes everything from Santa.  I think she'll be one happy little girl!  We will be staying in NC this year, but we are lucky enough to have Justin's parents headed down the day after Christmas.  I feel like Addy won't know what hit her with ALL the stuff the grandmas have bought her!!

Addy conversations:
While I was rushing around to get ready one morning, I was saying Addy we are running late, come on!!
Me: ummmmm

On a morning when Addy wasn't feeling well and it sounded like she had laryngitis
Addy: My voice sounds funny (while giggling)

One morning when we saw a large Menorah on TV:
Addy: Those candles are missing it's cake!!

Addy: (to Justin) You're the Prince
Justin: No, I'm the King
Addy: No Gannon is the King...no wait Guppy is the King!!

We had friends over and one of them threw a soccer ball at Shelly

One night when Addy was supposed to be going to bed, but was crying instead
Me: What's wrong
Addy: The red bear is looking at me
Addy: Please move him
Me: Alright.....

One night when Addy was talking in her sleep
Addy: I can help Guppy, I can help Guppy!

After pouring Addy a bowl of goldfish and handing to her
Addy: You're too good to me

Frozen on Ice

Painting Ornaments

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

November 2014

I'm a few weeks behind on my monthly updates, so I'll make it short & sweet.  I think Addison has FINALLY decided she wants to use the potty!  She has been in undies 95% of the time during the day and still wears a diaper at night.  We are doing great with peeing on the potty, but having some issues with the other part.  She still wants a diaper for that which I find bizarre.
Halloween was a success...Addy dressed up as Cinderella and had a great time trick-or-treating with friends.  She was a trooper and wore her high heels the whole night out!  We carved our pumpkin a few nights before the holiday and she enjoyed that as well.
We hit up the Christmas parade one weekend with a bunch of friends.  Addy enjoyed everything, but got tired before it was over, so we headed home before seeing Santa at the end.
Lately, Addison has been just singing her little heart out...I can't wait til she opens up her Frozen Boombox at Christmas!  An amplified microphone will surely be fun for all!
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving at home and are getting geared up for Christmas.  Addison helped put up the Christmas tree, outdoor lights and stockings.  She is so excited for Santa, but still says she doesn't want to take a picture with him.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

3 Year Well Appt.

Addy had her 3 Year Well Appointment today and it went very well.  She was a great patient and did everything the nurse and doctor asked of her.  She had her first eye exam where she had to call out the different pictures on the wall opposed to the letters an adult would use.
Dr. Sarah said she looked great and gave me some tips on how to maybe potty train this kid!!  She said one weekend out of everything (at which point I was like months!?) just let her roam free with only undies and see how she does.  I am guessing she'll eventually get it, I'm just hoping it's before her 15th birthday!
Here are her stats and some cute pictures!

Weight - 30 lbs (50%)
Height - 37.5 inches or roughly 3 feet (70%)

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

October 2014

One more year older and one more year wiser....or so Addison thinks.  She is very independent and thinks she can do everything by herself.  This can both be great & horrible!  She is able to help out in the morning by letting Brinkley out to go to the bathroom then give her a treat upon her arrival.  This is helpful because I can run around grabbing last minute things before we leave for the day.  She wants to put on her own shoes.  This can be horrible because she still struggles depending on which shoes she picks and then gets frustrated when she can't get them on and has to ask.  Sometimes a mini-meltdown does occur.  We are still trying to get her potty trained!! To say I'm frustrated at this point is an understatement. They say she is doing good at school, but she absolutely hates to try at home.  I have tried bribing her with toys, candy, tattoos (fake one obvi!), ANYTHING!!  Nothing seems to faze her.  She will ask me for a lollipop and I will say if you go on the potty you can have one...her response, i don't want one.  Great!

Nothing else exciting is going on in our lives currently.
Addy's birthday week was a loooong one.  We started the week off with getting a stomach bug and staying home from school on Tuesday.  Wednesday (Birthday day) she felt better and went to school.

We brought in munchkin donuts to share with her buddies at school for breakfast.  I had also promised her I'd bring in cupcakes for her afternoon snack, so I dropped them off later in the day. After school we had dinner and did cake and presents.

Thursday & Friday were just regular nights with me planning birthday party stuff still and enlisting anyone in the family to help.  Saturday she had her birthday party at my parents house where all her friends dressed up.  They all looked so adorable!!  The party went really well.  The weather was gorgeous, but just a little too windy.  I wasn't able to us some of my decorations, but I don't think anyone minded!  We let the kids decorate sugar cookies and then let them all paint their own little pumpkins.  It seemed to be a success.  Later on during the party, someone asked if I could let the dogs (Abbey, Ollie & Brinkley) off the deck.  We let the dogs off the deck and the kids chased them around for about 10 minutes and I think they enjoyed that more than anything!

On Sunday, we kept the momentum going with a trip to the NC State Fair.  We had a great time with my dad and sisters, but we all agreed we probably didn't need to go back for a couple years.

Addy continues to be a goofball.  She loves all things princess and loves to make Justin her prince.  She always feels the need to put on a pretty dress and act out whatever she may be watching.  She can be so easy going but can also snap on a moments notice.  She is sitting at the dinner table like a big kid with no booster seat.  She has started calling us mom & dad opposed to mommy & daddy which further proves she's growing up.  This little girl keeps us on our toes, but I wouldn't have it any other way!

Monday, September 15, 2014

September 2014

Addison is growing up WAY TO QUICK!  I feel like she has gone from 2 to 14 in the matter of a month.  We had a good run with the twos, but I do feel like threes will be a different story!  She is so head strong and set in her ways.  She can freak out so quickly, its like someone flips a switch!  She still has her very cuddly, adorable moments, but she just seems ready for a fight!

Here is some info on Addy - 

Currently watching: Mickey Mouse continues to be a favorite.  We have started branching out to watch other Disney favorites such as Aladdin, Little Mermaid, Mulan & Cinderella.  We have completely gotten rid of the DVD player in the car which is really nice.  
While watching a show the other morning a family had to bring their dog to "camp" while the family went on vacation...the little girl didn't want to leave her dog and Addy started crying saying but the girl wants her doggie.  She is always very perceptive and sympathetic.  It kind of broke my hearth that Addy was upset over it!

Currently listening to: It has been such a monumental month!  Where I use to not listen to much of anything (b/c DVD player was on) we now listen to most pop channels!!  One day it dawned on Addison that she likes listening to the music I listen to.  Her new current obsession is "All about that Bass" by Meghan Trainor.  Now every time we get in the car she asks for the ‘bass bass’ song. This song is incredibly catchy!  She also likes the "Boom Clap" song and sadly "Drunk in Love".  Both Justin and my sis Shelly have given me the gold star on parenting for that last song.  I guess I need to be more careful of what she is listening to!

Currently thinking about: her birthday & Halloween!  I'm trying to plan her 3rd birthday party and I'm struggling so much with it.  I have ideas, but not enough time to implement half of them.  When we asked Addy what she wanted to be for Halloween, she said Cinderella.  My mom is currently working on her outfit, but we already have some Cinderella glass slippers (Target) and white gloves.  I think she will look beautiful!  

Currently trying to figure out: Addy's big girl bed!!! She has fallen out of it once since we've taken the side off.  It's like a little day bed.  Addy loves it, but I worry about her flopping all over the place and falling out again!  For the moment, we've put pillows at the side so if she falls out, it'll be on something soft.  So far so good with her staying in her bed for nap time/bedtime (knock on wood).

Currently looking forward to: FALL. Addison's birthday is coming up soon, followed by Halloween.  I'm looking forward to cooler days and hoping to find an apple orchard somewhere around here!  

Currently reading: God's Toddler Devotional.  Justin's parents got this devotional book for us to read with Addy and she is really liking it.  It has a short one page story for everyday of the year (although she turns to several pages per night) which we read as a family.  It's really adorable to see her getting into and be excited!

Currently making her happy: Addison was overjoyed the other day when she had two friends from school over.  They were all soo excited to see one another and played very well together.  

Current Quotes:

Addison: My spaghetti fell off my plate! Womp Womp

Mommy: Addy why are you jumping around
AddisonCause I like to party

Addison:  Mommy & daddy got married because they love each other......and they love Addison!

Working at Guppy's Desk
Caged Animals

Brinkley & Addy

Cinderella Shoes

New Big Girl Bed

Brinkley & Addy

Chatting to her friends

Friday, August 15, 2014

August 2014

I feel like I have blinked and the summer is almost over!
Here is our life in pictures:

Conversations with Addison -

Me: Where'd my little girl go? (while driving home from work one day)
Addy: I'm in the car seat

While waiting for Justin to get off the phone to go downstairs
Me: OK, daddy said he's off the phone
Addy: We waited very patiently mom

After seeing the gorilla's wrestling at the zoo, she came home and started wrestling with Justin
Addy: We are wrestling like the gorillas!

Addy: Daddy, you're kidding me! (when he wasn't following orders)