Happy Girls!

Happy Girls!
April 2019

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Strep Throat

Can this poor kid catch a break!?  Addison's canines have been trying to come in for weeks now, which have been bothering her to know end!  Just this past Sunday (May 19th) Addy started acting more clingy then usual.  We had errands in our plans, so we dropped Addy off at my parents house and went on our merry way.  Once we got back to my parents, she was in full-blown mommy mode.  She definitely felt warm, but I thought maybe, just maybe those teeth were going to pop through!  
She went to bed well, but was soon awake around midnight.  She was burning up and was not a happy camper.  I could just tell she wanted to throw up and after hanging out downstairs for a little bit, she got sick to her stomach.  Thankfully it was the only time, but both her & I needed a bath after. I felt so bad for her!  We were still awake around 2:30 am, so I knew she wouldn't be going to daycare on Monday.  I sent a quick email to the director and we finally cuddled up and fell asleep in our bed with daddy & Brinkley.  By the time we woke up on Monday, I had an email back saying another toddler was out due to Strep throat...YUCK.  I decided to make Addy an appointment to get her checked out, just in case.  We really cuddled all day long on Monday until her appointment and well into the evening.  She just wanted to be rocked or held.  I finally gathered her up for her appointment & sure enough, her strep test came back positive.  We got a prescription for Amoxicillin and started in on the dosage.  She was to be on her meds for 24 hours before she should go back to school, so more of the same on Tuesday. By Tuesday afternoon she was looking & feeling a lot better.  She wasn't 100% but she was on her way to recovery.  My poor baby!  I hate it when she is sick!

Monday morning bath to bring that fever down!

Medicine + Chocolate milk = FAIL!

Hanging with Baby

Finally getting a little of her appetite back

Back to her old tricks...trying to stand on her chair!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

19 Months

This month we've really started to notice how grown-up Addison seems.  She seems like such a little girl!  It is a sad/happy thing for me because while I love watching her grow, I still miss the days of having a little baby.  She is into EVERYTHING and loves all things outside. 

Size Stats:  Addy is right around that 25lb mark and I believe it!  There are days where she wants to be held more and my arms sure feel it.  On these days, I try to pass her off to her daddy who is much better at carrying her around.  When we went to Texas, my arms were so sore from carrying her around the airport.  
Development:  We have started to see Addy trying to climb onto the couch…I am very certain she will master this skill soon.  We have to be very careful about getting off the couch/bed/seats.  She just likes to fling her body with utter abandonment and hope she lands smoothly.  Addison is very busy and will rarely sit still for 5 minutes. We had a recheck awhile back with the ENT and her right ear was still giving her a slight problem.  It was still draining, but the doctor assured me this is normal.  10 more days of drops should do the trick, which it did!  Her ears as of Friday May 10th looked beautiful!
Personality:  We are still testing boundaries and ignoring us when we are reprimanding her.  I know she understands me when I say things.  For example, when she is in the bath tub, I’ll ask her to stand up so I can wash her legs & butt.  She’ll gladly stand up; I’ll wash her and then tell her she can sit back down.  BUT when I say OK  please stand up so you can get out of the bath tub, she acts as if I don’t even exist!  She’s very smart this one!  She’s at a point where she wants daddy smothering her with love & affection or him sitting back and not even looking at her.  It’s so weird, she’ll go from daddy, daddy, daddy to no, no, no in the matter of 2 minutes.  Someone please explain the logic here!  Her favorite words have been momma and NO!
Sleeping:  Once again, we were starting in on a good pattern.  I was hoping these 8pm to 6:30am nights lasted for a long time, but they didn't! When we were in Texas visiting my grandmother and aunt, she was all over the board.  She pretty much slept with me in bed, but still was very restless.  I think her teeth are playing a big part in no sleep.  She continues to wake up once a night and freak out.  
Likes: She likes to take our phones and take “selfies”.  She’ll hold the camera up and say cheese! I really think half the stuff she does is to see how everyone around her will react.  She recently discovered the drawer underneath my parent’s washing machine.  Thankfully my parents only have rags stored here because Addison really likes to unload this drawer and drag the rags around.  She does the same thing with my jewelry drawer, my t-shirt drawer and my shorts drawer!  Why can’t she mess with daddy’s drawers…he could care less if his things are in order or not!  Addison & our neighbor Charlotte (or as Addy calls her, Toe-Tie) love playing together.  They are so excited to see one another and play really well together.  Charlotte is about 4 months older then Addison so it’s fun to see what Addy will be “up to” next. We like to play with chalk out front of the house or head to different playgrounds.  Addison loves the slides, but we are trying to teach her to be more careful.  I am hoping that will come with time!  She’ll climb up the jungle gym then walk to the slide and keep trying to walk down it!  She doesn't completely get that she has to sit down and this terrifies me!  Addy loves the sandbox at school and on the different playgrounds we visit, much to her daddy’s dismay!  She loves to get messy and I honestly don’t care because she is usually having fun and I know a bath will fix everything.
Dislikes:  Addison still isn't pumped about getting her diaper changed…some days it’s a hit and some days it’s a miss!  I think she just doesn't like to sit still!  I can’t think of many more dislikes…she pretty much finds enjoyment out of anything!
Pictures:  Here are some of my favorite pictures from this month...
Our smiley girl!

Heading to church with Grandma & Grandpa

Pool time!

This is such a Rosplock face!

Enjoying the nice weather
Picture Day at School

Picture Day at School

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Texas Trip

Right at the beginning of May, my mom, sister Michelle, Addison & I went to visit my Grandma, Aunt Diane & Uncle Wes in Austin, Texas.  We had made a similar trip a year ago that included my dad & sister Amanda, but we couldn't get all our schedules to match up this year. 

I was worried that Addison might have trouble flying this time around because a) she now had tubes in her ears & b) she can't sit still!  Much to my SURPRISE she was an A++ traveler!  She really was such a great baby on both flights to Texas and both flights home.  On the last leg of our trip, she literally fell asleep on me right before take off and slept until 10 minutes before we landed (2+hour nap).  I was hugely uncomfortable, but she was as cozy as could be.  Several people commented on how great she was on the flight and I was like yeah...she was sleeping people!  

The Texas weather turned cold pretty much the day after we got there, but it was a great trip regardless!  Shelly and Addison were able to enjoy the pool the day we got there, but not at all after!

My aunt found many things that her boys use to play with and brought them out for Addy to use.  She loved the little reclining chair and made it her own very quickly.  She also enjoyed bowls, spoons & Tupperware of all sorts!

We went to dinner one night which was easy to get to because it was right around the corner from the nursing home and in walking distance.  Addison was very well behaved thankfully!

It was so nice being able to visit and see my Grandma...my Grandma watched Addison's every move and found her very amusing.  We tried getting several group photos, but that proved to be incredibly difficult!  

Thankfully everything went really well and Addison was a superstar.  She even got use to airport pizza quickly and downed several slices on the way there and home!

2013 Plane Flight

2012 Plane Flight 
2013 Hanging

2012 Hanging

2013 Car Ride

2012 Bumbo Time