Happy Girls!

Happy Girls!
April 2019

Friday, February 15, 2013

16 Months

Another month, another Addy update!  This child has us wrapped around her little fingers!!  It is soo hard to discipline her because I find her to be hilarious.  I need to be more strict otherwise I am guessing I'll regret it at a later date!  Here is a picture that sums up her sassy-ness lately...she will give us this look a minimum of 20 times a day!

We had another ear infection this month bringing our total up to 3 ear infections total (2 in her left ear, 1 in her right ear) since she turned 1 years old. We have an ear recheck on February 18th with the doctor who has primarily seen Addy, so I'll have a few questions for her.

Size States:
Height - 31.5 inches (they didn't actually do this measurement, so I just copied last month's measurement!)
Weight - 23 lbs 5 oz
Head - 46 cm (they didn't actually do this one either, so I just copied last month's measurement as well!)

Development:    Addy is taking her sweet time in walking on her own.  She is very apprehensive about walking on her own, but really likes to walk while holding onto someone's hand.  It's pretty cute holding onto her one little hand and walking around.  She has taken steps on her own at home and at daycare, but doesn't really take initiative on her own.  I feel like it was the same thing when she wouldn't roll from her back to stomach...she was just scared.  At times she is very sturdy when walking with help, while other times she is still very wobbly.  Addy continues to expand her vocabulary.  She can repeat all of the other kids names at daycare and some of the teacher's names as well.  It is crazy how much of a "parrot" she is.  She really is never quiet unless she is watching TV or tired.  Lately, on our way to daycare she is super chatty!  She yells, chats and keeps herself entertained the whole way there.
Personality:  Addy is definitely a determined, stubborn little girl.  She knows which things we have deemed "wrong" in our house, but will constantly test her limits.  She has become a pro at going up & down the stairs and will try to do this without one of her parents close by which leads to Justin & I sprinting to her.  Man she is quick! She is so outgoing and I am pretty sure she knows when she has an audience.  She will definitely ham it up when anyone is over.  
Eating:  Addy is on a spaghetti & sauce kick lately...she can consume a large amount of pasta!  She is hit & miss on other items.  She likes turkey hot dogs and still is a fan of her mandarin oranges.  She fell out of love with bananas awhile ago, but recently decided she loved them again.  We have gone back to having to hide the bananas! 
Sleeping:  Her ear infections definitely screw with her sleep.  She has had some solid nights and some not so solid nights.  Justin & I continue to argue on how long we should let her cry it out...I usually win!  This will probably come back to haunt me!  I just have such a hard time listening to her cry knowing she is such a happy baby otherwise!  As Justin says, "You'll be getting up with her still when she is 12 years old!"
Likes: She LOVES her babies.  I wish Justin or I could come up with names for each of her babies, but I guess we have zero imagination!  She plays with her babies non-stop at home and also at daycare. The teachers say she cares for them all day long!  They've also asked when we plan on having our next child because they think Addy would be very good with a baby....UHHHH NO!  Not yet!  She is very caring towards her babies, always kissing, hugging & rocking them.  The babies are constantly being put to bed and she says, "night-night" over & over again and covers them up with their own little blankets.  So precious.  She still loves Mickey Mouse, but has learned to enjoy Blue's Clues & Go Diego Go in the mornings when we are getting ready.
Dislikes:  She still dislikes getting her diaper changed...nothing too horrible, but it makes having to change her a task.  She has been throwing min-hissy fits when I put her in her car seat after picking her up from daycare.  They are short lived, but not fun!
Pictures: Yup, she refuses to look at me for pictures!  It's like she knows what I am trying to do and does the complete opposite!