This past month seems to have flown by with Christmas parties, Christmas festivities, New Years and traveling to & from NY. Addison has been a trooper through it all, but that doesn't really surprise me. Addy was pretty good to & from NY with one minor hiccup (throwing up 2 hours into the trip to NY). Our car sure was smelly, but she bounced back quick!
I know I should be working on taking away her last bottle which I usually give to her right before bed, but I am struggling with it! I enjoy holding Addy tight, kissing and rubbing her little fingers & head and having the last 5 minutes of her day all to myself.
Size States:
Height - 31.5 inches (80th percentile)
Weight - 22 lbs 2.5 oz (75th percentile)
Head - 46 cm (75th percentile)
Development: Addy still isn't walking on her own! She is taking her dear sweet time with this! She continues to pull up on everything and scales most of the furniture. She talks all the time and is consistently surprising me with how quickly she picks up on new words. Her fourth bottom tooth finally came in along with 2 top molars. Addy blows us kisses when we ask and can say, "Love You" really well now. She repeats it back to us and it just melts our hearts! She has been better at handing out kisses to us, but Brinkley & "baby" definitely get more than Justin & I do! She'll follow Brinkley around, going Muahhh, until she either gets a lick from her or gets bored in chasing her. Addy probably has my dancing genes (which isn't a good thing). When she hears a song she stomps her right foot and moves a little back & forth. She can stomp her foot while sitting, kneeling or standing...she's very versatile! She constantly twirls her hair when she is tired. It's pretty darn cute watching her twirl a pigtail. Also, when/if she wakes up in the middle of the night, she'll twirl her hair to soothe herself back to sleep.
Personality: I think we have a stubborn one on our hands. She knows what she shouldn't do aka touch the computer, touch the soap bar in mommy & daddy's bathroom, touch an outlet with plugs coming out, but she continues to test the limits. She will literally go to do one of those things, look at us, say no-no then touch it! She likes to tell us no-no all the time. Greeeat! When I dropped her off at daycare the other day, she sat down looked at me and said, "bye-bye". I was like, well jeez, she wants to get rid of me quickly! But that same day when I picked her up, she was sitting at the table when she saw me, stood right up and exclaimed, "MAMA"! I was beyond happy and her earlier bye-bye remark was easily forgiven.
Eating: Addy still enjoys eating, in fact when she doesn't have an appetite, we know something is off. She's been fussy off and on over the past month because she has been dealing with an ear infection and molars coming in. It's no fun for anyone! With our trip to NY we found that Addison really likes McDonald's french fries, I mean who doesn't? It was the only thing she would eat out of a pretty large selection, so we went with it. She still holds her fork/spoon in her right hand, but hasn't mastered the art of actually using them.
Sleeping: I guess we are just going to have fun with sleep for awhile. She was doing really well, then got an ear infection, was up multiple times a night and then we were in NY and she was a miserable mess there as well! She has been doing better lately, but man she gives us a run for our money!
Likes: She is in LOVE with the Mickey Mouse Club House show...we only have a DVR downstairs, so she doesn't' understand that we can't magically make it play when we are in our bedroom. It would be awful nice of Disney to put MMCH on at 7am everyday though so we could get ready in a more orderly fashion for work! She received two Minnie Mouse little chairs for Christmas; one from Grandma & Grandpa Rosplock and one from Uncle Adam & Uncle Gannon...she loves these chairs and will go in and out of them and keep herself entertained for quite a while.
Dislikes: She has become a pain in the butt while getting her diaper changed. She wants to roll over, scream, cry, etc. She also doesn't like to take medicine the old-fashioned way. Justin & I now have to spike her medicine with chocolate syrup. I'm at the point where I just don't care...she just needs to drink it!! If we mix her medicine, some milk and some chocolate syrup she drinks it all by herself. I'll take that over holding her down, blowing in her face and her screaming and crying!
Pictures: My poor little punky didn't feel good today and was home from daycare. We spent much of the day snuggling and watching Mickey. I think her shots got to her and I think she is getting a cold. Here are some pictures from our day at home!