Happy Girls!

Happy Girls!
April 2019

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

December 2013

Wow, the past couple of months seem to have really gotten away from me!  So much has happened, but I haven't really felt like reflecting on it.  Within a short two month span, we surprisingly found out I was pregnant and then seemingly just as quickly, found out I had miscarried.  I didn't want to write about it, but I also don't want to forget about it.  These turn of events have made me realize yet again, just how precious life is.  We saw a little heartbeat back in early November.  After some light bleeding two days before Thanksgiving I went in to get checked out by the doctor.  They unfortunately couldn't find a heartbeat anymore...the baby was measuring in around the 9 1/2 week mark which meant it had really just "happened".  So many emotions were had by all.  Justin & I were obviously upset, but tried to remember just how thankful we are.  We have a very happy, healthy 2 year old little girl who just lights up our entire world.  Addison definitely helped us push forward - she kept us smiling over those very tough days.  As time goes on, it doesn't hurt as bad.  I still think about where I would be in this pregnancy week-wise and think about how Addy would have been with a sibling.  Hopefully, one day we will be able to have another child and give Addison a sibling.  

On to happier things!
Since turning two, I feel like Addison has become a full blown little person.  She has SUCH a personality on her!  Justin & I took Addy to her first parade...it was the Raleigh Christmas parade and we had a great time!  Addy loved the horses, princesses (pageant queens), floats, dancers, dogs and so much more.  On the flip, she hated anyone who was dressed in a character costume, motorcycles & clowns!  

My family also took Addison to the Raleigh Museum the Saturday after Thanksgiving just so we could all get out of the house and do something fun.  We all had a great time, but my favorite thing happened at breakfast that morning. While Addison was sitting on my mom's lap she looked at us all and announced, "I pooping on Grandma!"  Now, i know when she says pooping, she really means peeing, but still it was hysterical.
On Grandma's lap at breakfast

Communication. She has been speaking in short sentences for a little while now (Addison wants M&M's, blow on food, have a good day mama, love you too!)  It is getting easier to communicate with her and I feel like we have actual conversations.  Don't get me wrong, she still has moments of pure giberish, but that mostly happens when she is singing.   A couple of weeks ago, Justin said to Addy, "Are you an Octonaut?" (Disney characters) and Addison's response was "I'm not an Octonaut, I'm a princess!"  We are trying to get away from the princess mentality, but she does love her princess shows!  Her two favorite songs right now are Jingle Bells & Enchancia, Enchancia (Sofia song).  

Attitude. Addison can be so so sweet but on the flip can be so so sour!  She has tantrums on the daily when she doesn't get what she wants and they are BAD!  I think the tantrums are extra bad right now because she her two-year molars are trying to come in...at least i hope!  She has such a mischievous side to her and is pretty defiant.  If you are going to give her instructions, you have to be ready to follow through by forcing her to do it because she will hugely ignore you if she isn't interested in it.  I have to try and remember her sweet moments when she is being "bad"!  She can be so loving and cuddly!

Sleep. She is going to bed around 8 and wakes anywhere from 6 -7:30.  We have had a few sick nights recently where she has joined us in the middle of the night, but hopefully she will go back to sleeping through the night soon!  When she goes to bed at night, she talks or sings to her buddies that are in her crib and then usually drifts off to sleep peacefully.  I love listening to her on the monitor at night because you never know what she will say!
Hanging with her buddies

Meals. Addison is still a pretty good eater.  She still has her preferences of Mac & Cheese, pizza & hot dogs (all very healthy, i know), but will try other things.  She is really into pears right now and cheese is always a favorite.  
Other tidbits I want to remember: Addison is pretty good with her manners.  She is consistent with please, thank you and your welcome.  if she forgets, she quickly remembers when prompted.  She is a great little helper.  She seems to really like little chores, such as: feeding Brinkley, putting her dirty clothes in the basket, wiping up the table, unloading the dishwasher, helping with laundry, throwing trash away and so on.  She is happy when she helps and I like that!  Addison knows the morning routine and recently told Justin, "Daddy get your shirt, Brinkley hungry".  We broke out in laughter because she knew the sequence of the events.  Lately she has enjoyed getting her nails painted.  When the paint comes off a nail, she requests that I paint more on.  She can count easily to ten (although she forgets 2 most of the time!) and has starting working towards 20.  Colors still seem to give her a hard time, but she is getting better.  Her favorite books right now are the llama, llama series.  We have three of the books and she wants to read all three every night multiple times.  I have tried using the "time-out" technique with her, but she seems to enjoy it!  If she does something bad, she'll say "I go sit in time-out" like it's a fun thing to do.  Addison "helped" us put the Christmas tree up and she has been really good with it.  She touches the ornaments occasionally, but doesn't try to destroy anything (knock on wood). 
Last, this child is so weird, she enjoys sipping water out of the top of my contact case!?  She loves filling up these tiny tops and then drinks the water from them.  I have an extra case that is just for Addy so she isn't drinking the contact solution residue left on the ones I actually use!
Next on our "to-do" list after the holidays is potty training!!! Oh the fun we will have!!

Drinking from a contact case top

A carriage ride through Brier Creek Shopping Center with Marty the horse

Monday, November 4, 2013

Addison's 2nd Birthday Party

I can’t believe it has taken me this long to write about Addison’s 2nd Birthday party!
The day came and went in the blink of an eye, but I know Addison had a great time (when other children weren't trying to use her toys obviously!)  I didn't really have much to do other then prep some food, put decorations up and get the birthday girl ready to roll.  The Friday night before her party, I went to my parent’s house with all the groceries for the party and set up shop.  I enlisted the help of my mom, sisters and even Justin.  Everyone was hugely helpful!  My mom, Amanda and I did the majority of the food, Shelly watched Addison to make sure she didn't get into any trouble and Justin made the pizza rolls. It was a group effort and worked out well.  The menu included: Mac & Cheese, pizza rolls, little hot dogs in crescent rolls, veggies & dip, fruit kabobs, chips & salsa, Swedish meatballs, sugar cookies and cake.

On Saturday morning, Justin, Addison and I just hung out for awhile.  Once she went down for a nap, it was go time for me.  I showered, got completely ready and then headed over to my parents.  Once I was there, my sisters helped setup the tables, decorations and put the finishing touches on the food.  We were in good shape and surprisingly didn't have to run around like crazy people.  Eventually, Addison woke up from her nap and Justin brought her over to my parents for the big party.  The party started at 4:30 and we were ready to go!  Some of our friends were out of town, but we still had a good showing.  There were 3 other kids at the party, which was actually a pretty good number.  We ate an early dinner and mingled for a little while.  After everyone was done with food, we moved on to the present portion of the event.  Addison was pretty good, but had a fit if anyone took one of her new toys away from her!  We did have some crying moments, but got past them quickly.  Soon it was cake & cookies time…we sang Happy Birthday to Addison and she looked so happy!  She ate some of her cake, but was mostly interested in running around with her friends.  The kids ran around for awhile before everyone called it quits.  It had been a long day for me, so I wasn't complaining!  All-in-all it was a great day and I still can’t believe little Addison is 2!

Friday, October 18, 2013

2 Year Well Appointment

Addy’s 2 year appointment wasn't as smooth as I had hoped.  She is usually such an easy going kid and goes with the flow, but after she got her finger pricked to have blood drawn, she was pissed!  After that, she wanted nothing to do with Dr. Sarah or any of the nurses.  I even tried bribing her with chocolate, which didn't work!  Addy is also fighting a cold, so I know that doesn't help matters.

Her stats were:
Height - 34 inches (50%)
Weight - 28 lbs (80%)
Head - 48 cm
BMI - 75%

So I was kind of shocked that they start monitoring a child BMI at 2 years old!  Apparently a child is considered to be:
  • overweight if they have a BMI over the 95th percentile for their age
  • at risk of becoming overweight if they have a BMI between the 85th and 95th percentile for their age
  • underweight if they have a BMI under the 5th percentile for their age
A child has a healthy BMI if it is between the 5th and 85th percentile, so I guess we are good at 75%.  Dr. Sarah said that once we move her from whole milk to 2% milk, we may see a slight change.  Addy also received her flu vaccine at this appointment which was not in shot form, thank god.  She still wasn't pumped because they shoot a little nasal spray up both sides of the nose, but better then a shot I think. 

The appointment went by quick, but like I said, not the best appointment we have ever had!  Hopefully we won’t be back for awhile!  
Here are a few pictures while we were waiting for the doctor...

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

24 Months

Oh my gosh, our child is 2 years old!  Justin and I have been reminiscing the past few days about when our precious little girl was born.  It seriously seems like a decade ago that I gave birth to Addison, but on the other hand I can remember details like it was yesterday.  Her birthday party is this weekend and I decided to do a much more low key party then last year.  I will be shocked if Addison sits still long enough to even open presents. 

Size Stats:  Addy was 27.5 lbs when I took her to the doctors just last week.  We have her 2 year old well check-up on the 17th, so I’ll have a better idea of height & stats soon.  Addy is still holding strong at 2T clothes, size 5 shoes and size 5 diapers.  I think we will be bumping her up to a size 6 shoe soon, but her feet just seem so tiny still!
Development:    This kid amazes us EVERYDAY.  The words she uses is where I am most astonished.  She will try to repeat just about everything back to us.  We call her our little parrot.  This month because of Halloween coming up, she is able to say Frankenstein, Dracula, Ghost, pumpkins, and even skeletons!  I feel like these aren't easy words and she just says them with such ease.  Her teacher at Daycare said it’s very easy to chat with Addy…she understands most of what Addy is trying to tell her.  Every morning, Justin will head downstairs to get Addy her morning snack (dry cereal) & a juice cup…well apparently he wasn't moving quickly enough one day because she looked at him and said, “Daddy, get my stuff”!  We couldn't believe her “grasp” of the situation.   She is starting to recognize/remember parts of the books we read as well.  She’ll know which words are coming up and will try to read to us.  We were reading Cinderella one night and on the last page it says, “It was a Dream Come True” and Addison got to that page and just kept repeating “come true”.  Pretty good memory!
Personality:  I just love her little personality.  She is becoming such a little person!  She is definitely mischievous, but can be so sweet.  I feel like so many words could describe her!  She is a very determined child, but I think her feelings get hurt easily.  If you tell her she isn't supposed to be doing something, or scold her, she gets really upset and needs a hug.  She is definitely getting into that “Terrible Twos” frame of mind.  She is bi-polar at times!  She can go from one extreme to the other extreme in mere seconds!  She is super sweet with her animals and babies.  I love watching her take care of them.  She feeds them, changes their diapers, takes them on walks and rocks them.  She is such a little mommy!  She also will head over to wherever Brinkley is to pet her.  She will rub her head or back and tell her she loves her, or she is being a good girl, and then gets a kiss from Brinkley.  Brinkley is totally fine with this and even looks like she may like it!    
Sleeping:  Addy is still all over the board, but for the moment it looks like things have settled down.  She basically comes into bed with us around 5-6 every morning and sleeps until we wake up for work around 6:30 or 7.  It isn't too bad, but the child has radar on me, I am sure of it!  I could push her to the farthest corner of our bed and she will roll, kick and struggle until she is right back on top of me!  There are times I will sneak to Justin’s side of the bed for a few extra minutes of shut eye while he is showering in the morning for some extra space.  No lie, within 5 minutes, she’s found me!  I’m just glad she is spending 95% of the time in her room.  2 adults + 1 child + 1 dog + a Queen sized bed = CROWDED!
Likes:  Right now, her favorite animals are puppy & teddy.  Usually where there is one, there is the other.  She is always hell bent on bringing both of them wherever she goes.  Addy likes to color and will even try to color on objects other then her coloring books.  We have to keep a very close eye on her when the crayons are out!  She knows what’s she’s doing and will check to see if you are paying attention to her.  I recently found bath time crayons and those seem to be a hit.  It gets her into the bath and keeps her happy.  She really likes it when you take her crib mattress out of her bed and lie it on the ground next to the crib.  She will go in and out of her room pretending to go to sleep.  This is how we keep her busy many mornings while we are trying to get ready for work.  We just turn the video monitor on and watch her to make sure she isn't getting into any trouble!  Addy also likes to help me bake or cook.  We've made a few things together and each time she loves to help pour & mix the ingredients.  It takes about 5x’s longer to get something accomplished, but it is fun watching her “bake”.  Last but not least, she loves her Sofia Amulet (necklace).  She got it as an early birthday present from friends of ours and I can’t tell you what a hit it has been!  She walks around asking for her Amulet or telling you to put her Amulet on…it seems like such a big word for such a little girl!
Dislikes:   I can’t think of too many dislikes.  Lately she has been much better at getting her diaper changed so it hasn't been too much of an issue.    

Pictures:  Here are some of my favorite pictures from this month...

Sunday, September 15, 2013

23 Months

Another month has flown by!  Addy has become more of a parrot and we have to be super careful on what we say around her!  She is trying to become more & more independent in everything she does.  Her 2nd birthday is creeping up on us and I really have to get my party planning act in gear!  This month we also had a couple of firsts…getting our toenails & fingernails painted by Grandma and swinging on the big kid swings!  At the end of August we were lucky to have Nonna in town for a week and Uncle Adam for a few days.  It’s always fun having family in town and even better for Addison because she has more people to boss around!

Size Stats:  I swear Addy has had a growth spurt!  She feels a lot heavier and looks taller!  I weighed her at my parent’s house the other day and she was 27.0 lbs on the nose!  She is still wearing mostly 2T clothes, size 5 shoes and size 5 diapers.  
Development:    I don’t even know where to start!  Addison likes to walk up & down the stairs and will try to do so without holding someone’s hand…not gonna happen!  She will hold the railing and one of our hands to go downstairs and you can tell she is pretty pumped with herself.  She is able to name some shapes and colors (although green seems like a favorite because she almost always starts with that one).  She has learned to open & close the bedroom doors.  She is trying to open the sliding glass door, but thankfully it is too heavy for her!  She continues to expand her vocabulary and the amount of words she can say in one sentence.  Daycare has mentioned on several occasions that she is more “advanced” then most of the kids in her class when it comes to talking.  Right now her favorite phrase seems to be “No do that” aka don’t do that.  While she says it she wags her little finger back and forth.  It is really hard to not laugh at her!  She is just so serious about it!  Plus, to top things off, I think she can finally say “Cheese”!  She is doing a really good job pronouncing her S’s lately.
Personality:  I think she has her daddy’s mischievous side and my OCD side.  She is feisty but has the sweetest heart…if that makes sense! She’s a girl on a mission and doesn’t like someone trying to veer her in a different direction.  Addy is very particular about having a “clean” table when eating and will ask for a nap-in (napkin) in order to clean her space.  She is constantly wiping/cleaning things up but on the other hand isn’t afraid to get down and dirty outside.  She also has to put her baby perfectly in her little stroller before she can take a walk with it.  She will move baby around several times before she is just right.  She’s big into asking for help lately.  If she can’t figure something out or get what she is after, she says help, help!  In fact, now when she is in her crib she frequently yells out “Help Mommy, Help Mommy!”…I’m not sure whether I should laugh or cry.  On the one hand, I know she doesn’t technically “need” me, but then I start to think well wait, maybe she does!  I am pretty sure it is just another way for her to manipulate me!
Sleeping:  Sleep has been pretty good.  She has an 8 o’clock bedtime and will rise anywhere from 5 – 7…you can tell she is still tired when she wakes up around 5, but she just can’t seem to get herself to go back to sleep.  We have been told by daycare that she was falling asleep before naptime in random spots on her early rising days.  She’s a work in progress, but is doing so much better.  It’s amazing how much happier she is when she gets a good nights sleep!
Likes: She is so in love with Sofia that I’ve decided to throw a Sofia themed 2nd birthday party because of this obsession.  Her favorite foods are still Pizza and Mac & Cheese.  She asks for Mac constantly!  She has had a newfound love for puppy and Brinkley.  I think finally after 22 months Brinkley has really decided to like Addison!  She’s always been really good with her, but now they are definite buddies.  Two peas in a pod!  Addison very frequently stops what she is doing and goes over to ask for a kiss from Brinkley or to pet her.  Addy loves to run around naked right now!  After bath time, she jets out of the bathroom before I can even say “time to put a diaper on”.  So far we haven’t had any accidents, knock on wood, but I know I am playing with fire!  
Dislikes:   She gets so ticked off when it’s diaper changing time.  I think potty training will be a big priority as soon as she hits the 2 year old mark.  I thought about trying earlier, but daycare said they aren't equipped to help that process in the 1 year old room.  They have the little sinks and toilets starting in the 2 year old room.  
Pictures:  Here are some of my favorite pictures from this month...

Thursday, August 15, 2013

22 Months

This past month we have fallen into a pretty fun nighttime routine.  We will give Addison a bath, then lay with her on our bed while she has her nighttime milk and watch a little TV.  After that, we turn the TV off for some singing and hanging out.  This is honestly my favorite time of the day.  She has us in hysterics most nights.  It’s just really fun to be all cuddly in bed before she goes down for the night.  We have been doing “family hugs” lately and she loves this…she even requests them!  We both then take her into her bedroom, get good night hugs & kisses and she is asleep sometimes before we even get downstairs. 
We had extra fun this month because we went up to NY on a whirlwind trip!  Our drive up to NY wasn’t the greatest.  We ended up stopping around 10:30 pm somewhere in Pennsylvania about 2 hours away from Endicott because Addy got sick all over the place.  It was a yucky mess, so we did some laundry, took baths and regrouped till the following day.  We had a lovely King Size bed for the 3 of us, but Addison is like glue and stuck to my side and crowded me!  It was great once we finally got to NY, but it was crazy.  Friday we had the rehearsal dinner for Justin’s cousin Nicole, Saturday was her wedding, Sunday I went to Katie’s McD’s baby shower and Monday we got on the road to head back to NC!  Addy was great on the car ride back.  We basically let her watch Mickey Mouse & Dora episodes all the way home (around 12 hours!?!).  It kept her happy and I think it keeps her focused so she doesn't get car sick!!

Size Stats:  Addison is about 26lbs, wearing mostly 2T clothes, size 5 shoes and size 5 diapers.  I think she has gotten a little taller because her hands just about reach the sink when standing on her stool in the downstairs bathroom. 

Development:  Addison is definitely putting sentences together.  Pretty sure I am going to count July 17th as the first day Addison said her first sentence.  It was, “Daddy come here, lay down”!  It all just flowed together perfectly!  When we were in NY for a wedding, she was yelling at the wildlife…”Deer, Come Here! I’m talking”!  She is pretty bossy actually!  She is able to look at me and say “I Love You, Mommy” or look at Justin and say “I Love You, Daddy”.  Her favorite song to request lately seems to be ABCD.  She’ll say ABCD which basically means she wants to sing the A,B,C’s.  She is pretty good at it!  She still enjoys Twinkle Twinkle, Happy Birthday, You Are My Sunshine and Baby Beluga.  She is getting better at jumping and loves to twirl in circles.

Personality:  Bossy, Sassy & Determined basically sum Addison up.  There are many times when she is sensitive, sweet & cuddly too.  She definitely has a sensitive side to her which I think I forget about because her other traits are so obvious.  She is so sweet to her babies & stuffed animals and gets genuinely concerned when something goes wrong when watching her shows.

Sleeping:  Sleep has still been going well, KNOCK ON WOOD!  She had some issues when we went to NY, but I think she just has a hard time sleeping anywhere but her crib.  She ended up in our bed every night when we were in NY, but whatever she needs more sleep than Justin & I.  If she is unhappy then we are all probably unhappy by association!

Likes: Sofia the First on Disney, she calls it Fia.  Now if only Disney would make a few more episodes!  Justin & I have seen the same 5 episodes one too many times! I swear if I have to hear the song, “I’m a Blue Ribbon Bunny” one more time, I may break the TV!  Pizzzaaa is a definite favorite food at the moment.  She loves to unload & reload her 2 bottom drawers in her room…which are shorts & pants.  It makes for quite the mess and I have decided I am no longer folding these items because she usually just destroys my beautiful work.  She likes to be alone in her room as well.  She’ll close the door and when you open it, she’ll yell “No Mommy, Out”!  Wonderful, her teenage years are already creeping in!

Dislikes:  Lately she dislikes unfamiliar men.  She’ll say No Guy when someone is near her that she doesn't approve of.  This isn't a horrible thing from her, so we usually just go with it and try to reassure her if it is someone who is OK.  She gets super funny about drool.  Like I said before, we lay in bed before her bedtime and often times she will drool on our sheets when rolling around.  She seems mortified of the drool and will ask for a napkin to wipe it up.  She has been blaming the drool on Daddy lately, but we know it’s really her!

Pictures:  Here are some of my favorite pictures from this month...

Monday, July 15, 2013

21 Months

This month has had its ups & downs.  When Addison is being sweet, she is soo soo sweet!  On the flip side, when she is miserable, she is really really miserable!  It makes for fun days that’s for sure!  In the end, Justin & I continue to feel so blessed to have a healthy and mostly happy child!

Size Stats:  Addison has leveled out right around the 25 lb mark.  She is still wearing size 5 diapers, but we jumped to a size 5 shoe!  Many of her 18 month clothing is getting too small, so it’s mostly 2T stuff going forward.

Development:  Addison has started to string together sentences!  It’s amazing to watch her try and put words together.  Sometimes they make sense, sometimes they don’t!  Just recently she has been singing Twinkle, Twinkle with us.  I literally started to cry one night because she sang so many words and her voice just sounds so pretty to me!  Her favorite word continues to be “NO”, but we have also added “ouch” to the equation.  If you try to hug her, give her a kiss, change her diaper, change her clothes or look at her the wrong way, she’ll yell OUCH!  It usually never really applies to what is going on, but she seems to think it does.  Addison has also went from BP to Brink-ka-lay…it is way too cute to hear her call out her name.  Lately she has been telling her I la-lou Brink-KA-lay (I love you Brinkley) and it melts my heart.  She really gets into her I Love You’s…full facial expression and emphasis on her words.
Personality:  Once again she is a hard-headed, determined child.  She definitely needs a firm “hand” and will test boundaries endlessly!  She is a child of a million expressions and each one of them cracks us up.  She is Justin’s mini-me when it comes to personality for sure. 
Sleeping:  Dear lord, where do I start?  We basically got to a point where Addison was in our bed every night.  She would rouse at some ridiculous hour and for sake of ease, I’d bring her in with us and let her watch TV or go back to sleep with us…BIG MISTAKE.  She got very use to this and one night when Justin went in to tell her it was bedtime and to go back to sleep, she was already standing with her blanket & puppy in hand ready to go.  We finally decided it was time to make her cry it out.  The first night Justin had to listen to her scream & cry for 1 ½ hours from 10:30pm to midnight!  I am so happy I was asleep, with my door closed, the TV on and the fan going because I heard none of it.  I don’t know how he did it, but I was very impressed and happy that he did.  He said it was super hard to listen to, but since he knew she was in no immediate danger it made it slightly easier.  The second night she decided to wake up at 3:45am…Justin is a heavy sleeper, so I am not sure how much he actually heard, but I heard it all.  I kept telling myself not to ruin what Justin started!  Addy finally decided to lie down and go back to sleep at 4:25, not bad!  I felt like I accomplished something even if it felt like torture.  The third night was better as well!  She only cried for about 20 minutes tops.  The nights after that she has made a few peeps, but nothing horrible!  Hallalejah!!  The poor thing just came down with a summer cold though, so I'm sure this will all change again!
Likes: She loves her Cozy Coupe Car that is at my parent’s house.  Whenever she starts to figure out that we are headed to my parents she starts saying car, car, my car. She gets in and out over and over again.  She’ll get a baby and put it in the backseat and drive it around as well.  She has fallen madly back in love with the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  Although, she never calls it Mickey, she always calls it Minnie.  She likes episodes where Minnie plays a big part.  If Minnie disappears, she keeps asking “where did she go”?
Dislikes:  There isn’t much to report here.  She has been hit or miss with diaper changes but seems to be getting better at it or at least more tolerant of it.
Pictures:  Here are some of my favorite pictures from this month...

Saturday, June 15, 2013

20 Months

This month I had to admit to Justin that I was wrong...yup, imagine me being wrong!?  I had bought Addison a sandbox a month or so before and he warned me sand would be everywhere.  I didn't think it would be that bad and Addison would just LOVE it!  Well, the sand did get that bad and Addison sort of "liked" it...needless to say, I made the decision to empty it out and call it a day.  I then found a water table on CraigsList which is so much easier to deal with and Addison seems to find joy in any body of water!  I guess sometimes I should listen to my husband!

Moving on...

Size Stats:  Addy has hit her 25 lb mark.  She is pretty heavy to carry around!  She is wearing size 5 diapers, size 4 shoes (such tiny feet) and mostly 2T clothing.  She can still fit into a lot of 18 months clothes though!
DevelopmentAddison has become a pro at carefully getting of the bed and couch.  She knows to go onto her tummy and shimmy off.  This child continues to love to talk.  She is soo chatty!  This month, her favorite words seem to be, “Airplane, wa-lah (water), birthday and I did it”.  She could hear a loud car and she’ll look into the sky for an airplane, it’s so cute!  Her vocabulary just keeps getting bigger & bigger.  This month we switched her carseat from rear facing to forward facing.  Her legs were cramped facing backwards and the constant struggle of getting her to “behave” was enough to make me want to crash the car!  Her forward facing days have been much more enjoyable! 
Lately Addy has been calling Grandpa, Guppy.  I have no idea how it went from Pa-Pa or Bampa to Guppy, but that's where she is at!  It is sometimes frustrating when trying to decipher what she is saying, but man, she tries so hard!  In fact, lately she has been saying "Bobby" a lot!  At least that is what I think she is saying...we know no one named Bobby and we don't watch any shows with a Bobby as a character, so I am kind of freaked out!  I feel like she is seeing spirits or something!  I'm hoping that I am just misinterpreting something!
Personality:  We have a hard headed, determined child on our hands.  Addison doesn't even cower when we raise our voices!!  There was one day when she wouldn't stop trying to touch a night light and after several attempts of yelling I decided to slap her little hand…I did not get the reaction I had hoped for…she LAUGHED at me!!!  Justin and I looked at each other like what the heck!?!  She likes to stand on her Minnie Mouse chair and will only basically sit down when we go over to make her sit down.  Sometimes on a rare occasion, she will sit down when we ask her to.  My favorite new thing is when she sings.  She will scrunch her face up and shake her head from side to side and “sing”.  It cracks me up!!  She looks like she is putting her heart & sole into it!
Sleeping:  Ask me in 5 years...between teething, strep throat and a cold, our nighttime sleeping patterns have been all over the board!
Likes: This month we found out that she loves the sprinkler.  She also loves the baby pool at my parent’s house.  It stays out back on the deck and she has a ball.  She currently loves our neighbor’s water table.  Does anyone see a theme forming?  I just don’t get why water is so exciting, but it continues to be!  We also just got her a little car "coupe".  My mom let me bring it into her house and Addison played with it for awhile getting in & out and putting baby & polar (bear) into it.  
Addison has gotten a few new pairs of shoes and she loves them!  I’ll put them on her little feet and she immediately begins to walk towards the hard wood floors to test them out and see how they sound.  On our way to and from school, we listen to kids songs which she loves and I loathe!!  Some of them are soo horrible!!  They make me want to pull my hair out, but it keeps her happy & relatively quiet!
She is also on a pizza kick...she loooves pizza!  
Dislikes:  Still dislikes getting her diaper changed…Booo!
Pictures:  Here are some of my favorite pictures from this month...