Here are her stats from our Thursday doctor's appointment, poor thing has an ear infection and 2 teeth coming in!
Size Stats:
Height - 30.25 inches (43%)
Weight - 21 lbs 15 oz (42%)
Head - 46.5 inches (97%)
Development: Addy is becoming more & more sturdy when she walks with our help. I feel like she will be walking on her own very, very soon. She is pulling up on everything. She enjoys pulling up on the couch and will then whine until you put her up there so she can sit & play. She is totally into reading books lately and will throw a book at you and shake her head yes, like you will read to me or else. I'd say she has 5 favorite books right now which are, "Goose on the Loose, "10 Tiny Puppies", "Farm Animals", Night Time Prayers (which is a book that is read by Grandpa & Nonna Crooks) and "Bunny Book". I can sadly say that between Justin & I, we have probably read the above books no less then 100 times in the last few weeks. I'm not proud of it, but I have actually hidden Goose on the Loose a few times because I just can't read it one more time!
Addy talks a lot and is using a lot of new words! She can say, Nonna, BamPa(Grandpa), Ma-Ma-Ma(Grandma) Banana, No-No, Good Dog, Gannon, Shelly (La-La), Puppy, Brinkley, Hot, Go, night-night, belly-button, nose, Santa, scarecrow and obviously Da-Da & Ma-Ma. Even though she can say many words, she babbles a lot as well. As of this morning though, Daddy taught her Love You! We are working on Adam & Amanda, but she's having a tough time with them! She speaks gibberish all the time and it cracks us up. One thing she has learned, which seems to be making life a little easier is to sign "more" when she wants more food. She also knows to blow on her food when it's hot...well blow in its general direction!
Height - 30.25 inches (43%)
Weight - 21 lbs 15 oz (42%)
Head - 46.5 inches (97%)
Development: Addy is becoming more & more sturdy when she walks with our help. I feel like she will be walking on her own very, very soon. She is pulling up on everything. She enjoys pulling up on the couch and will then whine until you put her up there so she can sit & play. She is totally into reading books lately and will throw a book at you and shake her head yes, like you will read to me or else. I'd say she has 5 favorite books right now which are, "Goose on the Loose, "10 Tiny Puppies", "Farm Animals", Night Time Prayers (which is a book that is read by Grandpa & Nonna Crooks) and "Bunny Book". I can sadly say that between Justin & I, we have probably read the above books no less then 100 times in the last few weeks. I'm not proud of it, but I have actually hidden Goose on the Loose a few times because I just can't read it one more time!
Addy talks a lot and is using a lot of new words! She can say, Nonna, BamPa(Grandpa), Ma-Ma-Ma(Grandma) Banana, No-No, Good Dog, Gannon, Shelly (La-La), Puppy, Brinkley, Hot, Go, night-night, belly-button, nose, Santa, scarecrow and obviously Da-Da & Ma-Ma. Even though she can say many words, she babbles a lot as well. As of this morning though, Daddy taught her Love You! We are working on Adam & Amanda, but she's having a tough time with them! She speaks gibberish all the time and it cracks us up. One thing she has learned, which seems to be making life a little easier is to sign "more" when she wants more food. She also knows to blow on her food when it's hot...well blow in its general direction!
Personality: She is a hand full! She knows how to make everyone laugh even when she knows she shouldn't be doing something. She knows how to push our buttons for sure! She is big on personality, but lately has been throwing in some diva-tendencies. We are working on it! She has been interested in everything lately and makes this noise, "uh-uh" towards everything! We have no idea what it means and it's so frustrating for all involved. It's like we know she wants something and she knows she wants something, but sometimes it's hard to find out what that may be. She can be very cuddly in the morning which makes it hard to get ready on work days. On weekends it's much nicer where we can all lounge and take the mornings slow.
Eating: Addy is an eating machine! She eats anything and everything. She drinks lots of milk at all her meals and she gets watered down juice for snacks. She still takes 1 bottle of milk at night before bed...I have no idea when I am going to attempt to take this from her! She gets a fork at every meal and sometimes uses and sometimes it just sits there. I'm in no rush for her to use it, so we will just keep making it an option. For awhile she was favoring her left hand, but lately she puts her fork/spoon only in her right hand.
Sleeping: The angels are singing!! Can you hear them!?!?! We finally (OK, I came to the conclusion a little later then Justin) decided it was time to make her sleep through the night and she actually didn't put up too much of a fuss. There were a few rocky nights, but nothing horrible. She had been consistently sleeping from 7 pm - 7 am for almost 3 weeks now, but lately has been waking up in the middle of the night at multiple times screaming! What the heck! I feel so bad and have read up on night terrors (don't soothe or console), nightmares (soothe & console) or illness. So one question I have is how in the heck do I know if she had a night terror or nightmare! I know right now is prime time for separation anxiety, but again I have no idea. Sometimes I take her out of her crib and hug her and rub her back, other times we just lay her back down and rub her back. It's frustrating because I just don't know whats wrong therefore I'm not sure how to handle it. I do know I can't (and most likely will not) just let her scream her head breaks my heart!Update: She has an ear infection and since she has been on her antibiotic, her sleeping has been much better!
Likes: She is in LOVE with my cell phone & the app called Zoola. If she even catches a glimpse of my phone, she wants it and she wants to look at Zoola. Zoola basically has a lot of animal pictures and you can tap on each animal to see a Daddy, Mommy and baby version of that animal. Each animal also has a song that goes with it...kind of weird, but Addy seems to like it. She actually has a love hate relationship with the song selections, she isn't a fan of the slower songs and will quickly swipe them away if you play it. She likes the more upbeat tempos. Although Addison loves this app, it is slowly driving me crazy. I don't want her on my phone too much, so I have to hide my phone from her a lot lately. This means, no phone calls, no texts and no browsing Instagram, Twitter or FB while I am in the company of Addison! Plus when I do let her play with it, she doesn't want to sit there and touch the animals herself, she wants someone else to do the navigating. Jeepers, what I thought was a nice gesture turned out to be a stupid download!
She seems to be liking the Mickey Mouse Club, Backyardigans & Blues Clues. Each show has kept her mildly entertained for ten minutes here & there.
She seems to be liking the Mickey Mouse Club, Backyardigans & Blues Clues. Each show has kept her mildly entertained for ten minutes here & there.