Happy Girls!

Happy Girls!
April 2019

Friday, June 15, 2012

8 Months Old!

Life has been flying by in general!  We’ve had a lot of fun the past month and Addison always keeps us amused.  

Size Stats: Weight, Height & HeadAddison is weighing in at 18lbs 13oz and is 28 inches long!  We had a sick visit to the doctors just yesterday so I know these numbers are correct.  She just has a cold and thankfully it isn’t in her chest and no ear infection.  Addison is wearing 9 month tops and 12 month bottoms.  She can fit into sleepers ranging from 9 months to 12 months as well.  She seems so long!!  She usually wears 9 month old dresses but I have thrown her into some 12 month ones. 
Development:  Addison is sitting up on her own very well at this point.  I still keep a boppy pillow close by, but at daycare they haven’t been putting anything behind her.  Addison’s newest development is waving hi & bye.  It’s very sporadic, but when she does it, it is so cute!  She usually waves with her palm facing her.  Sometimes it seems like she shouts hi or bye at the appropriate times, but one never knows.  She likes being in the standing position.  She can’t stand by herself, but she loves when we stand her up.  Addison also is into dancing.  She will start to rock back & forth and will mimic us sometimes if we do it.  It definitely cracks me up!  At first I couldn’t figure out where she learned this, but then I asked her daycare teachers and apparently they turn music on and dance around the room for the kids and the kids usually join in. 
Personality:  Addison loves to hear her own voice.  She chats, sings and happy screams ALL THE TIME.  If we are in the car, playing on her quilt, sitting on the bed, “taking” a nap in her crib, at the pool…she is generally talking to herself or making some sort of noise.  She loves her reflection and will screech when she sees herself.  When we are at the pool or playground she is delighted and will make all kinds of noises to get the other children to pay attention to her.  She is just not a quiet child.  Even when we take walks, she will sit in the stroller and kick her feet, wave and talk.  It’s usually just Addy, Brinkley and I, so it isn’t like she is joining in on a conversation!  Lately Addison has been testing her limits when it comes to naps & bedtime.  She puts up quite a fight for naps and seems to like to wake up in the middle of the night to hang out.  I’m trying my very best to not give in, but sometimes I just need her to sleep and will do whatever!  As soon as I go into her bedroom she smiles at me like she knows she won the fight.  Sometimes I pick her up but I mostly try and let her fight it out on her own.  Justin said he is training me more than Addy because I hate hearing her cry and will appease her much quicker than her daddy will!
Addison is also completely nosy!  She wants to see everything!  When I hold her and she is facing me she is bobbing and weaving left & right trying to see what’s behind me.
Eating:  Addy still has several bottles throughout the day and continues to eat solids for lunch & dinner.  I keep throwing in new types of food for her to try and she usually likes just about anything.  I have continued to make some food for her and she continues to gobble it down.  We recently bought some puffs for Addy to try.  Puffs are a finger food kind of like cheerio’s but dissolve quicker in your mouth.  She likes to play with them, but she has a horrible gag reflex and doesn’t like any food sitting on her tongue.  This whole gagging thing has made it difficult when trying to introduce finger foods.  She’ll suck on fruit if you hold it to her mouth, but the second a little piece breaks off and hits her tongue, gag city!  I’m not too concerned about it since she enjoys her mashed up food, but I am hoping the gag thing goes away soon.  We recently introduced teething biscuits as well.  She loves to suck on them and they don’t break apart very easily so it works out well, except I have to make sure it’s at the end of the day because she gets so messy and usually needs a bath after.  Brinkley has caught on quick.  She sits or lays right next to Addy’s highchair ready to help her with whatever she may drop.  She really is a good dog though.  I can sit Addison on the ground and give her puffs and Brinkley will keep her distance and not go over to grab anything from her.  Now, don’t get me wrong, Brinkley will stare holes into her head, but she won’t make a false move until I give the OK.
Sleeping:  The child hates sleep, I am convinced.  In this aspect she is like her father (or her Nonna or Bisa-Nonna!)  Justin is a night owl but I could go to bed at 8pm every night and wake up at 10am and be happy.  I love to sleep which makes Addy’s love of non-sleeping that much more fun!  I do find it incredibly adorable that Addy lays the same way Justin does when sleeping…on her back with her hands behind her head.  She has been taking crappy naps lately and really just wants to lay on me and snuggle.  I would love to be able to be her bed, but sometimes a girl needs some time to herself!  On the weekends I usually just let her sleep on me because her naps are so short anyways.  A few of my mommy friends have told me to enjoy it now because in a few short months she won’t want to do it anyways.
Likes:  The mirror, pool, bathtub, watching cartoons, going for walks in the stroller, people watching and anything that involves not sleeping!
Dislikes:  Napping and sleeping through the night!  She really is such a good baby and there isn’t much that upsets her. 

8 Fun Addy Facts:

  1. I have to be careful when I say daddy’s name.  If I say daddy’s name she immediately looks around or at the door assuming he will be announcing himself shortly.  Coincidentally, I have the same problem with Brinkley!
  2. She has started to show a little separation anxiety.  She loves her mommy and will let someone know it if given the opportunity.  Hopefully she outgrows it quick because it will just break my heart!
  3. Addy is starting to mimic things that she hears.  Justin & Addy will have “weird sound” making chats where he’ll do a noise and she will do the noise right back.  Just the other day I was positive Addison was saying “Good Dog”, after I said it to Brinkley.  She at least was using the same inflection!  I’ve pretty much made everyone aware that I would not like Addison’s first words to be swear words, so everyone is to be on their best behavior going forward!
  4. Addison loves playing in the pool.  I have to be careful not to keep her in the baby pool too long because she becomes a wrinkly mess!  She especially loves it when there are other kids in the pool that she can scream happy sounds at.
  5. Her favorite toys seem to be electronic things, i.e. cell phones & computers
  6. I think she poses when I bring the camera out.  She literally lights up when I hold my cell phone in front of her to snap her pic…she is a complete HAM.
  7. She loves to hear me sing Baby Beluga.  If she is fussy or upset when she is in her car seat, I can start to sing this song and 9 times out of 10 she relaxes. 
  8. She loves to dance…in any position!  She rocks back and forth in her highchair, sitting on the ground, laying on her back or chillin watching TV in mom & dad’s bed.  She must hear music in her head!

    Brinkley is thinking, "Is this photo really needed"?