Happy Girls!

Happy Girls!
April 2019

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

6 Month Checkup!

Size Stats:
Weight: 17 lbs 4 oz (75th percentile)
Height: 27 ½ inches (90th percentile)
Head: 43 cm (70th percentile)

Addison’s doctor appointment went really well.  I love Dr. Sarah, she is so good with Addy and takes the time to chat & explain things thoroughly.  Dr. Sarah said she is very happy with her development and now is a good time to start baby proofing the house!  She wasn’t worried that Addy still doesn’t feel like rolling over since she is already sitting up on her own.  She told me not to be surprised if Addy decides to crawl before turning over!
Addy got several shots today which make me soo sad!  I feel so bad for her, but I know they are for a good cause.  She was fine for most of the day, but once the evening hit, she really just wanted to cuddle and be held…fine by me!  
Here are some pictures of Addy waiting to see the doctor…it was hard to get her to sit still & make sure she didn't fall off the table AND get a good picture!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

6 Months Old!

I honestly can’t believe Addison is 6 months old!  Just last week I said to Justin, “Can you believe we’ve had her for almost 6 months now?”  It just seems like time has flown by.  We’ve had so much fun with her and day after day she continues to amaze us. 
I will be receiving the worst mom of the year award though because today I let Addy try a very very small amount of frozen yogurt!  Girl went crazy!  I was eating an ice cream cone at Jason’s Deli and she was fussing and reaching for it, so I put it to her mouth and she was sooo happy!  Justin & I were dying laughing, she just looked too cute & happy.  Probably not a food she is ready for, BUT again, it was a very small amount.  I’m not sure who enjoyed it more though, Justin & I watching her or Addy tasting it!

Size Stats: Weight, Height & Head – Right now she most comfortably fits into size 9 months for sleepers.  She can still fit in certain brands of 6 months.  Most clothes she wears are 6 months, but I have definitely put her in some 9 month outfits.  They are a little big, but nothing too silly looking.  We have her 6 month appointment when we get back from Texas, so I’ll update her stats then!
Development:  This child still refuses to roll over!!  She can sit up on her own now, but won’t roll over!?  I’ve seen her in her crib a few times looking like she might go from back to tummy, but nope!  She pretty much hates being on her tummy for anymore than 3 minutes.  She is very nosy and wants to be able to see everything going on around her.  She will grab anything that comes in her proximity and immediately put it to her mouth.  She loves her toys that light up and make sounds.  I’ve started trying to read books to her, but again, she just wants to put the books into her mouth!  She is constantly saying, “da, da, da”.  I think she is saying dad but Justin doesn’t think so.  (I think he is just trying to be nice since I obviously want her to say ma ma ma!)  Still, it’s exciting to hear her saying something that resembles a word. 
Personality:  She continues to be an “easy” baby.  She is so easy to appease and just goes with the flow.  We took her to one of Justin’s work functions which was basically a motorcycle shop grand opening.  You’d think with all the loud motorcycles and tons of people she might not be a fan, but she was as happy as could be and hung out for about 3 hours.  She still is very chatty and has a tendency to talk herself back to sleep after her middle of the night feeding.  Even when she wakes up for her bottle in the middle of the night, she doesn’t cry, she talks until someone comes in.  How wonderful is that!?  I hope I’m not jinxing us by saying that!
Eating:  We are on a pretty good food schedule right now.  She has bottles throughout the day, but will have a veggie or fruit for lunch and then rice cereal for dinner.  I’m hoping I can widen our horizons after her 6 month appointment, but I don’t want to jump to anything too advanced and mess up her stomach before chatting with her doctor.
Sleeping:  She still isn’t a napper!  She has three to four 30 minute naps a day.  I am noticing that she is getting tired earlier in the evening.  She use to be able to make it until 7:30, but now we are lucky if she gets to 7:10!  I am guessing daycare is taking a lot out of her with all the things to watch & do.  She is now only getting up once in the middle of the night which is making our life a little nicer!  Justin & I will do every other night, so that means we have both been getting  full nights sleep here and there!  She will then wake up by 7:30 for the day, not too shabby.
Likes:  She is loving life right now.  Again, she pretty much goes along with anything and can find anything amusing.  This is a very fun age and I am just counting down the days until she decides to crawl.  I have a feeling to will be very busy once she learns to do this!
Dislikes:  I honestly can’t think of anything she hugely dislikes at the moment other then tummy time.  We’ve honestly been so blessed with her!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Sunday

Addy's first Easter!  We were supposed to be in NY but ended up staying in NC this year.  A lot of family members in NY are sick and we didn't want to get Addison sick.  We headed to 11:30 mass with my parents and Amanda.  The church was packed and Addy decided she needed a nap so Justin took her out and snuggled with her for her short 15 minute cat nap.
After church we headed to the Brier Creek CC for brunch with my parents, Shelly & Audie.  Amanda headed back to Charleston after church so she could spend some of the day with Ian when he got off work.
The Easter bunny was hopping around so we decided to get a few pics with him.  Addy loved him!  She really just wanted to touch his fur, but it was super cute. 
Here are a few pictures of Addy in her Easter outfit...then there are some more pictures after I changed her outfit so she was a little more comfortable!
p.s. Justin was pumped I was making him take a picture with the Easter Bunny!