As of right now, Addy has kicked her bad habit of being placed in her crib for bedtime and waking up 10 minutes later. (Knock on wood!) She is pretty much going to bed between 7:30 & 8 depending on her last nap of the day. Lately I’ll come home from work, and she’ll get all cuddly with me and fall asleep for about a half hour. I absolutely love that time with her! She is still waking up 2 times a night. Justin still gets the first feeding (anywhere from 11 – 1!?) and I get the second feeding (anywhere from 3 – 4:30!?). Addy will then wake up between 6:45 and 8 for the day. She still takes her bottle and falls asleep pretty quickly after she has finished it, so we really can’t complain too much!
Addy is funny about food. She seems to enjoy more of it at the wee hours of the night/morning opposed to during the day when normal people eat! I am hoping that on Friday when we have her 4 month appointment we can talk about giving her rice cereal because I’ve read a lot of information saying she might just need a more full belly before heading to bed. I guess we can try it and see what happens!
She pretty much doesn’t fit into any 3 month old clothing! She is wearing all 6 month old sleepers because anything smaller and her little arms are only half covered!
Weight, Height & Head: We haven’t been to the doctors since her 2 month old checkup, so we will have to wait and see for the 4 month checkup…I’ll follow up after Friday’s appointment.
Loves: Addy is enjoying her hands & feet lately. She has managed to get both fists into her mouth and on very few occasions, just a thumb! She is super interested in her feet right now and tries very hard to get them to her mouth. She has been unsuccessful thus far! She’s also loving her Sophie the Giraffe squeaky toy…Brinkley loves Sophie as well. Brinkley doesn’t try to pick Sophie up, but she looks like she is being tortured by not touching it. Thankfully, she is a good dog and listens pretty well!
Addy still hasn’t rolled over, but is getting very very close to going from back to tummy. I have several videos of her “trying” to roll over, but she hasn’t gotten there quite yet!
Hates: She doesn’t have any huge hates at the moment. She still isn’t thrilled when she is put in her car seat, but it’s growing on her.
I think Addy is starting to recognize her name. I think she knows when we say “Addy” it has something to do with her at least. Addy is starting to pay more attention to Brinkley and following her with her eyes.
More to come on this front…
Here are a few pictures of her 4 month old photo shoot…again, mostly somber photos because she doesn’t cooperate!