Well, when I logged onto BabyCenter.com today it said, “This week, reality sets in — you have a baby!” Um, not quite yet! Baby Crooks has yet to grace us with her presence! We are trying to be patient, but I am starting to lose it!
I am changing this weeks format…I am just going to mesh everything together.
My Monday morning (October 3rd) appointment went well. My 24-hour Sunday urine sample came back normal and then my urine sample from that day came back normal. Apparently it was just a one-time thing with me to have that extra protein in there!
Sooo, the doctor decided he wanted to see me on Friday and do an ultrasound and a non-stress test.
The ultrasound on Friday (October 7th) was to make sure there is enough fluid surrounding the baby and the non-stress test is to make sure the baby is still responding well to her environment. There were plenty of fluids still surrounding the baby and the non-stress test I took came back normal as well. Everything is just fine with Baby C. My blood pressure seems to have gone up though. They said they’d keep an eye on it. Again, no dilation! They scheduled me for another appointment on October 10th to see if anything had changed…so far, nothing has changed. I still have the same aches & pains and have had no feelings of contractions.
Basically at the Monday appointment Justin & I can plan if we want to be induced. We have been going back and forth, but at this point I am totally for it. If my sternum/chest/ribs didn’t hurt so badly, I would be ok, but they really are unpleasant feelings! My last day of work was Friday; so at least if the baby doesn’t come for a few more days I can just relax with Brinkley. That’s it for the moment, but I’ll be back on Monday afternoon to recap my appointment info!
Here is the last pregnancy picture I am taking! I am wearing a non-maternity shirt and non-maternity pants, which is why my belly is showing slightly!